How to Build a Free Website Online
Even more importantly, your website must contain informative, quality content that will draw visitors to your site. I know this all sounds daunting because I was in your shoes. But trust me, it isn’t. The tools available today are amazing!
Gone are the days when creating a website requires any technical programming expertise. I’m certainly not a computer guru! Most of you have created word documents in programs like Microsoft Word. You’ll find that working in a website builder is a very similar experience.
What are the key steps you must take to build a website?
In a nutshell, here are the four key steps:
(1) Choose a Topic for Your Website – This is often referred to as your niche and can be literally any topic in which you have an interest. You should be passionate about this interest. You will be regularly writing engaging content and articles for your site, and you want this adventure to be fun.
(2) Obtain a Domain Name – A domain name is a unique identifier that is basically the address of your web page on the Internet. Domain names can be purchased from various providers such as or
(3) Select a Web Hosting Company – Web hosting companies provide a home or storage space for your website files on a server. There are many options for web hosting services. Some companies such as provide free hosting if you purchase your domain name from them.
(4) Choose a Content Management System (CMS) – A CMS allows you to create, publish, and manage
your website. There are a number of free programs you can select from including WordPress, the most widely used CMS on the Web.
What’s my recommendation?
Based on personal experience, I recommend you join a top-rated online training institute, called Wealthy Affiliate, as a FREE Starter Member. Why pay for anything before you’ve had a chance to really explore this online opportunity? Your free membership includes a free website created with WordPress and hosted on a state-of-the-art hosting platform called SiteRubix. If you’re ready to take the leap and create your very own webpage, you can click the banner on the right side of this page.
The training included in your Starter Membership will help you choose a niche and quickly create a fully functional website. You will learn how to add pages and post articles to your website, create content around keyword searches that will help you get ranked in Google and other search engines, insert images, add affiliate links and so much more.
To see the details of everything included in a Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership, including free website building and hosting, you can go to my Getting Started Online page.
All of the resources anyone would need for starting or growing an online business are available at Wealthy Affiliate.
It’s a simple process to create a very professional-looking, fully functional WordPress website that is 100% free. Please view the video below to see a step-by-step tutorial.
Do you have an idea for a website now? Why not enter a website name below to get started today?
If you do choose to build a free website, I hope you’ll come back and leave me a comment below to tell me about your experience. If you have any other questions I might be able to assist with, please feel free to leave a comment on those as well. I will respond as quickly as possible.
To your success!