Are you ready to stop dreaming, stop talking, and start doing? Good! Grab a notebook and pen. I’ll wait for you
What are SMART Goals?
The term SMART goal is an acronym that first appeared on the scene back in 1981. It is a concept that has stood the test of time, and the process of setting SMART goals is still widely followed today because it’s effective. SMART goal setting introduces the structure and accountability that is imperative for achieving results and ultimate success.
Most of us set “goals” all the time. Think New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, we’re bad at goal setting, so we often do things like the following:
- create goals that are so vague we have no roadmap to follow, and we’re not sure when we’ve accomplished them
- set goals that are extremely unrealistic and that end up demotivating us
- establish goals that don’t produce the results we were looking to achieve
What’s the answer?
Set SMART goals! SMART goals have these characteristics:
(1) Specific
Useful goals are clear and unambiguous. They include action items that guide our behaviors. We must incorporate exactly what we’re going to do and understand why it’s important and adds value to our lives. The “what” focuses our efforts and the “why” provides the motivation to stick with it.
(2) Measurable
How will you know when you’re there? To be able to track your progress and know for sure that you’ve accomplished the goal, you must include measurements such as how much or how many. Definitive milestones are essential. For example, a goal to lose weight is admirable, but you have to include how many pounds you plan to lose.
(3) Attainable
The goals you set should be lofty but not too lofty. The ideal scenario is a stretch goal that is hard to achieve but possible with dedicated effort and persistence. Do make your goals gutsy but setting a goal that you can’t reach is futile. I don’t care how much you want to lose 20 pounds in the next two weeks. It’s not happening.
(4) Realistic
This criterion is related to attainable but broadens the scope a bit. It contemplates things like, is this goal consistent with the other priorities in my life? Is this the right time? Do I have the necessary resources or can I acquire them?
(5) Time-Bound
What’s your target date for goal completion? Best practice is to break it down. What is it that you’re going to accomplish today, this week, in the next six months, and by the end of the year? Remember, without a time frame, there’s no sense of urgency.
Why Are SMART Goals Important?
SMART goals empower us to take control over our life and the direction that our life is heading. The specificity and action-oriented nature can elevate a recitation of good intentions to a higher level. They push us to be better and enable us to prove just how effective we can be. Formulating SMART goals can
- help you clarify your ideas;
- provide a focus for your efforts; and
- encourage prioritizing time and other resources.
Do you sometimes feel like a plaything of coincidence?
You can make a conscious choice to change that by charting a clear course and then continuously monitoring and tracking your progress to the finish line.
SMART Goals Examples
So, what does a sample SMART goal look like? Make your goals more effective by adhering to these “do’s and don’ts.”
Don’t say:
I plan to get fit in the New Year.
Do say:
My goal is to lose 20 pounds in the first 3 months of the year by restricting my carbohydrate intake and exercising for 45 minutes at least 3 times per week.
Don’t say:
I want to start an online affiliate marketing business and work from home.
Do say:
My goal is to start an online affiliate marketing business. To accomplish that, I will research and compare available platforms and training options, choose a platform, and build a website with at least 3 pages of content by the end of one month.
Don’t say:
I plan to build out my website by adding valuable content.
Do say:
My goal is to build out my website by consistently adding one quality blog post of 1,000 plus words per week each Monday for the next year.
Key Tips for Success
- Put Your Goals in Writing
- Post Your Written Goals in a Highly Visible Location
- Take Weekly (If Not Daily) Action to Advance Your Goals
- Celebrate Your Successes
How Can I Use SMART Goals to Jumpstart My Online Business Dreams?
Starting and growing an online business requires initiative, dedicated effort and commitment over an extended time period. Developing a detailed plan with the requisite sequencing of tasks and appropriate measurements to gauge progress is essential. If you lack skills, your plan should encompass training. If resources are lacking, you must include ways to acquire resources. SMART goal setting has tremendous benefits for both newbie entrepreneurs and established business owners because it supplies concrete criteria that transform nebulous dreams into an executed strategy.
So, what are you going to decide to accomplish today?
How Can I Use SMART Goals to Jumpstart My Online Business Dreams?
To Sum Up
I hope today’s discussion of what is SMART goal setting was informative. Will you share your goals in the comment section below? I would also love to address any questions you may still have about this process. Finally, please share this post with others that you feel may benefit.
If you have a goal to start on online business, check out the only platform I recommend, Wealthy Affiliate. You can explore this option risk-free because Wealthy Affiliate offers a 100% free (no credit card required) Starter Membership. A Starter Membership includes 2 free websites, hosting for the sites, and an awesome series of 10 lessons that will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a website and adding content to your site.
You can read additional information about the Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership or if you’re ready to experience free hands-on tutorials just click the button below. You can create an account in moments with nothing more than an email address.
To your massive success!
Great Site. I may not be your target audience of being a retiree, but I still like learning about making money online. I really like what you have said about smart goals, I will keep these in mind. Specific, measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound are great characteristics. I will have to think about those and write down some goals of my own. Once again great Site, I like how you have your introduction of yourself on the side!
Hi Kenny,
Everyone is welcome on my site 🙂 I think the desire to make money online is a goal common to all age groups and it’s never too soon to start an online business. Perhaps you’ll be retiring early. I agree that the characteristics of SMART goals are excellent. They create focus and accountability and that makes an enormous difference in achieving results. Good luck with defining your goals. Thanks for your kind words and for visiting my website!
Nice post on smart goal setting Linda. A concept that has been there for ages, smart goal setting is a framework for choosing your goals with the right characteristics, in order to make it easier for you to achieve them. The platform you recommend, Wealthy Affiliate, is indeed the best platform that anyone starting out online can join. I am a member there and know the quality of the services offered.
Hi Antonis,
I appreciate you joining the conversation. Yes, the SMART goal framework has been around for a long time and it remains a very effective technique for achieving success. Thanks for confirming my high opinion of Wealthy Affiliate.which is the only platform I recommend for folks interested in getting started online. Good luck with your online endeavors!