The Best Books About Affiliate Marketing – 3 Brilliant Reads

Your search for the best books about affiliate marketing makes perfect sense for anyone ready to venture into making money online. Frankly, grabbing a good book is one of the best and easiest ways to discover how almost anything works.

In 2020, affiliate marketing is an enormous industry (roughly $6.9 billion) that’s continuously evolving. So. we know this industry won’t be fizzling out anytime soon.


Naturally, you have pressing questions that keep you perched on that proverbial fence. Moreover, as novices, we don’t always know all the questions we should be asking, And that’s where these excellent, beginner-friendly resources come in handy.

Some of us are just not wired to jump in feet first. We prefer to ease our way into anything new. Therefore, what these books will do is introduce you to crucial affiliate marketing concepts. Furthermore, they’ll equip you with sufficient knowledge to make an informed decision about your online future.

3 Of The Best Books About Affiliate Marketing To Have On Your Shelf

Nowadays, many marketing professionals share their knowledge. These three books are by no means your only choices. But they do offer several pluses for those on the brink of a new venture including the following:

  • a beginner focus
  • a realistic view (no hype or get-rich-quick nonsense)
  • practical tips from people who have achieved success
  • high ratings from readers (4.5 stars and above)

Let me be perfectly forthright. I don’t believe that books on their own will be enough to get your affiliate marketing business off the ground. When the time is right, you’ll want training that’s more hands-on and task-oriented (more on that later).

But I do think that books are a wonderfully accessible and cost-effective approach to learning basic principles and terminology. Every field has its own unique language, and affiliate marketing is no exception. You’ll create a foundation that will serve you well as you begin to grow your business in earnest.

1. Quick Start Guide to Affiliate Marketing by Evgenii (Geno) Prussakov

What I like best about this book is that it’s written in an easy to absorb Question & Answer format. It’s a short but comprehensive guide that covers 60 of the most frequently asked questions of people who are new to affiliate marketing.

It literally starts with “what is affiliate marketing?” and then moves on from there. One nice aspect of the Q&A format is that you don’t necessarily have to read the book from start to finish. You can skip to the top questions in your mind. For example, What exactly is an affiliate network? Or, How exactly are affiliate payments handled?

Something else I found very useful is the glossary of terms at the end of the book. When You’re new to a field, you have to deal with the “alphabet soup” part. You know, all those acronyms that are so confusing. Terms like CPA, CPC, and PPC are all defined, and you’ll have a reference.

The author, Geno Prussakov, is an award-winning expert in the field of Affiliate management and the founder of AM Navigator.

2. Affiliate Marketing – The Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide to Making Money Online With Affiliate Marketing by Kevin Ulaner.

This book explains the essentials of affiliate marketing and also offers tips, proven steps, and strategies for individuals looking to get started. The author addresses the many benefits of affiliate marketing, including the minimal capital investment required, which opens the playing field to just about anyone.

There’s also a chapter devoted to common mistakes that many new affiliates make, which may help you to avoid the same pitfalls.

Some practical information offered includes tips on website structure, finding affiliate programs, promotional strategies, and attracting traffic. The final chapter discusses the steps to earning $11,000/month or more from your affiliate site.

The author, Kevin Ulaner, started with Amazon FBA in 2015. He is also a co-founder of BreakBox Marketing, which is a digital marketing and web design agency.

3. From Nothing: Everything You Need to Profit From Affiliate Marketing by Ian Pribyl

The author’s stated purpose in writing this book is to give you everything you need to know to build an Internet business from scratch. He presents time-tested strategies for achieving success without a large budget.

Here are a few of the topics this book delves into:

  • Mindset training for success (the Iron Mindset)
  • How to find the perfect niche
  • Building Your Website
  • Creating high-quality content that ranks in the search engines
  • Promoting your website and getting traffic

The author, Ian Pribyl, first got started online at 16 years old  He achieved super affiliate status with multiple companies. He runs a website called Stopping Scams.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

For someone like myself, who’s had a love affair with books throughout my life,  finding some of the best books about affiliate marketing was a helpful first step. Diving right into something brand new can seem a little overwhelming. So, I hope that one or more of these reads will give you some needed perspective on the affiliate marketing process.

With a little more clarity, I know you’ll be ready to take action. And, that’s where I can help as well.

I found the best affiliate marketing training platform to help me implement the theories I learned. This training breaks each step down into practical tasks. I was able to “look over the shoulder” of successful marketers as I built my website. And, that experience was invaluable.

The platform I joined also has all the resources and tools I needed to turn an idea into reality. As each of these books discusses, you will need to build a website. And, while creating a site isn’t tricky, you will have the inevitable questions along the way.

When I was ready to launch my online business, the decision to join Wealthy Affiliate was a game-changer for me. That’s a bold but true statement!

The active community provided awesome support and encouragement along the way. Fortunately, you can check it out without making a long-term commitment because they offer a free Starter Membership. Moreover, WA is an amazingly cost-effective program for the long-haul.

When you’re ready to take the next steps in making your online dream a reality, I hope you decide to join me!

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