Have you seen or heard the phrase lifestyle blog and wondered what it meant? In today’s post, I’d like to provide clarity around what is a lifestyle blog and also introduce some examples.
I think some of my retiree readers should consider a lifestyle blog in their quest to make money online. Many of these blogs are very popular and tend to garner a large following.
Writing one may also be uniquely satisfying. But if nothing else, you may discover an informative or entertaining blog to follow.
What is a Lifestyle Blog?
A lifestyle blog is perhaps best defined as a digital sharing of content inspired by the author’s daily life and personal interests. Unlike the typical niche blog, a lifestyle blog’s focus tends to be broader and more eclectic.
That doesn’t necessarily mean sharing intimate details of life (though some bloggers do) but rather, lifestyle bloggers acknowledge being multi-dimensional and write about various hobbies, personal pursuits, and philosophies. Individuals at similar stages of life usually comprise their audience.
Many aspects of daily living become engaging fodder for lifestyle blog posts including family life, home, crafts, relationships, beauty, fitness, cooking, travel, recipes, do-it-yourself projects, and more.
Retirement Lifestyle Blogs
There are hundreds of retirement lifestyle blogs devoted to sharing amazing experiences and relaying just how rewarding retirement can be following decades of working for a living. Some provide financial tips but many are non-financial in nature or discuss finances as one element of concern and importance to seniors.
My regular readers know that I’m a huge advocate of blogging as an excellent mechanism for eventually
The generation of Americans referred to as baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. As a result, the baby boomers age range suggests the first wave has retired and most are at least planning for retirement in the short term. The massive size of this generation means we’ve evolved into an important “market segment”.
Dare I say being over 50 may now be fashionable?
“Boomer” lifestyle blogs are becoming popular. These bloggers identify strongly with other members of their generation. Articles are often nostalgic and may be focused on various traits of baby boomers. They may provide tips with a bit of wit for navigating life after leaving your career behind.
Boomer lifestyle blogs are often nostalgic and may be focused on various traits of #babyboomers
Lifestyle vs Niche Blogs
Every blog must have a well-defined target audience. A niche is nothing more than a targeted group of people who share an interest in a particular subject. In general, niches are narrowly defined to limit the competition and improve your opportunities to distinguish your blog.
Lifestyle blogs also have a targeted audience; however, topical coverage is typically broader and often defined more by the life stage of readers. As an example, a niche blog may focus narrowly on some aspect of fitness. A retirement lifestyle blog may incorporate articles on keeping fit in your later years along with other passions the author is pursuing such as travel and photography.
A successful blog must appeal to a group of like-minded individuals so it isn’t advisable to blog about anything and everything. But the flexibility of discussing multiple interests can be appealing and enables the blogger to make the site their own.
Examples of Retirement Lifestyle Blogs
If you’re considering creating a blog for fun and profit, a retirement lifestyle blog is worth considering. Bloggers provide inspiration to others not just by sharing experiences but also by passing along the knowledge they’ve acquired.
Perhaps you can encourage other seniors to expand their horizons and welcome a bit more creativity into their lives. How rewarding to accomplish this goal while creating an outlet for self-expression and building a source of supplemental income.
Once your blog has traffic, there are many ways to monetize the blog and begin to make money. For a discussion of various monetization techniques, please see my earlier post, Is Blogging a Business?
I’d like to share a few blogs with you that I’ve begun following for information and entertainment. Perhaps you’ll be inspired.
Now in its 17th year, BoomerCafé is the original digital magazine for baby boomers with active lifestyles and youthful spirits.
Exploring ideas and experiences that help to create a meaningful, sustainable, compassionate and rewarding life.
How to Start a Free Blog
Does this sound like an intriguing possibility? If so, I’d love to introduce you to a risk-free opportunity to start a blog of your own for free. Yup, you did read that right.
I started my blog when I stumbled upon a unique online community called Wealthy Affiliate. As a complete newbie, I had a lot of questions and uncertainty but I joined as a free Starter Member because I was fascinated with the concept of creating an online business and felt I literally had nothing to lose.
They didn’t ask for my credit card (always a good sign
If you’re interested in reading more details about the Wealthy Affiliate program, please see my post called The Best Place to Build a Website in 2017.
Or, if you’re ready to explore the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you can click the button below now.
Final Thoughts
I hope today’s post on what is a lifestyle blog provided food for thought. What topics might your lifestyle blog include? Please join the conversation and tell us your ideas below. If you enjoyed reading this post, please share it with your family and friends on social media!
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Hi Linda,
Really great post. I never really thought about the difference between lifestyle blogging and niche blogging! You really did a great job of explaining it
Hi Ashley,
Thanks very much for your comment and kind words. I was the same until recently. I stumbled upon some interesting and engaging lifestyle blogs, started exploring a bit, and really began to enjoy the genre. I’ve found I like the personal and multi-faceted aspect. I truly believe it may be a great option for many folks. I also love that anyone can “try it on” with a free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership. For anyone seeking to make money online (and I have to believe that’s all of my readers 🙂 ), that just feels like too good of an opportunity to pass up.