My retiree readers may well be confused (I know I was) because not only has blogging exploded but the nature of blogs has evolved. Every day millions of people just like you write on their blogs. Bloggers can reach a global audience each and every day with ease, and many find this power intoxicating.
Let’s explore blogging and begin with a definition and description.
What is the Definition of a Blog?
A blog is a website that is updated on a regular, on-going basis through chronological entries called posts where the most recent entry appears first. Initially, blogs were personal online diaries that reported mundane details of everyday life. Such blogs still exist, but the scope of blogging is greatly expanded from those early days. There are blogs devoted to pretty much any topic under the sun.
Today, blogging is far more than a form of journaling. A blog can function as a full-fledged home-based business, and many focus on content marketing. Many blogs provide commentary on a narrow subject for a niche market. Others, such as lifestyle blogs, cover broader and more eclectic subject matters. It’s a place where you can express yourself by sharing information, thoughts, and passions.
Characteristics and Benefits of Blogs
Here are some of the unique characteristics and beneficial aspects of a blog:
- Blogs deliver fresh content because they are updated, and new content is added on a regular basis. Web sites that do not contain a blog tend to be far more static.
- Blogs tend to be written in a conversational style and allow readers to engage further by commenting, providing feedback, and asking questions.
- Search engines love the new content and dynamic aspect, so blogging is viewed as a great search engine optimization (SEO) tool.
Why Do People Blog?
People blog for all kinds of reasons. The Internet is a communication medium of unprecedented reach where every human voice can be heard. It’s a platform to share knowledge, opinions, and views where you can educate and inform your readers about various topics.
Businesses can use blogging to dramatically increase their online visibility and help customers to find them. Blogs
Blogs can readily be shared on all social media platforms which increases your reach and takes customer relationships to a whole new level.
Of course, the ability to earn money is a key motivator for many people. You can make money with a blog in a variety of ways. Some people sell their own products or services. Others employ advertising or promote the products of others as an affiliate marketer. If customers follow your blog and frequently return to find out about deals or to read your latest tips, they are far more likely to spend money on purchases from your site.
One excellent way to learn about blogs and become comfortable with the concept is to read a few. You can leave some comments, ask questions, and even bookmark your favorites.
Eager to try blogging? Read on!
How Do I Start My Own Blog?
There are a vast number of potential options available for starting a blog. Enough to be confusing and maybe a little intimidating
So, let’s look at what you need to get started and bring your blogging goals to fruition. Here are the necessary steps:
(1) Decide On a Topic
This is pretty obvious but certainly a critical decision. You’ll be writing posts on a regular basis so give this a lot of thought. What do you enjoy? Where do your passions lie?
(2) Select a Platform
This is a program that allows you to create a design for your blog, write and edit your posts, and publish your epic content on the web. If you picture a deluxe version of Word, you won’t be too far off. I recommend WordPress. There’s a reason why more than 75% of all blogs use this platform.
(3) Obtain Hosting
Hosting essentially involves renting space on a server. I have state-of-the-art hosting for my site on the SiteRubix platform.
(4) Choose a Domain Name
This is a specific and unique web address where readers will find your blog content.
(5) Blog On!
Begin writing posts and adding your voice to the blogosphere!
If you’ve read my blog before, you know that I am a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate and strongly recommend this platform as an outstanding way for new bloggers to get their start. I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for several key reasons.
- You can create a 100% free Starter Membership that includes everything you need to begin blogging immediately.
- Your free membership includes 10 online lessons to get you started properly.
- The Wealthy Affiliate community is a very large group of like-minded online entrepreneurs who are very supportive of each other. When most people try a new activity, they have questions. The WA community has answers.
You can read more about the advantages of Wealthy Affiliate membership in my earlier post, What is the Wealthy Affiliate Program and How Can YOU Benefit?
Isn’t it Time For You to Try Blogging?
Take the First Critical Steps With Wealthy Affiliate
Final Thoughts
Are you one of my many readers who has really struggled with this frequently asked question, what is the definition of a blog? If so, you should now have a much clearer picture of this powerful and versatile communication tool. You also have a clear path forward if this is something you’d like to pursue.
Should you Blog?
When I heard this question posed, I answered with a resounding Heck, yes!
Over To You
How will you answer the question, should you blog? Do you have a passionate interest you’d like to share? Tell us about it in the comment section below and pull your friends and colleagues into the discussion by sharing this information through your favorite social media channels!
I look forward to responding to all comments!
I have a friend in the real estate business that I told should concentrate on retirees since she owns the Remax in Cabo San Lucas. I think a blog would be ideal for her. I will recommend your site to her. I am designing her new website and wonder if you have any suggestions to add to it such as widgets or a good theme. I am using WordPress so thanks for putting up such a nice site.
I think that sounds like an ideal scenario for a blog. I would feature the various attractions in the area. I’m glad to hear you’ve chosen WordPress as your platform because the features are incredible. There are over 2,400 free themes to choose from. If you can’t possibly find one that will work, there are also premium themes. My theme is simple but I like it for the extreme ease of navigation.
There are also a plethora of free plug-ins available for WordPress. It’s easy to get carried away. Too many plug-ins can really slow your site down so you’ll want to choose carefully. I would think the first thing you would want to investigate is a good gallery plug-in to showcase both properties and the locale.
Good luck with your project and thanks for visiting my site!
Linda, I enjoyed reading your definition of ‘blogs’ and the various reasons why people might take up blogging.
I admit that I was a reluctant blogger when I started out. I thought of it as a marketing necessity, one of the chores to do as an internet marketer.
I soon discovered that I enjoyed blogging and had been looking at it the wrong way. It dawned on me that blogging is about sharing and communicating while marketing is about promoting and selling. These are two different aspects of an online business. Both important, but the sharing and communicating part is what really counts and must come first.
All the best. ~Jude
Hi Jude,
It would seem we’ve had a very similar experience with blogging. I enjoy it tremendously. It is a great opportunity to communicate and interact with others. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for sharing the definition of a blog and the purposes that one can be used for. I just read your other post about creating a website in 2017. This post gives me an idea of how I might approach the website/blog. It might be a combination of online journaling about interesting developments in a niche that I’m invested in.
I hope that you will keep sharing the information on online business ideas.
Hi Sondra,
A blog is definitely a great addition to any niche website dealing with new developments or a variety of relevant topics. Each blog can target a unique keyword which is an excellent way to attract new readers. A blog is also perfect for search engine optimization because Google loves fresh content.
I will certainly continue sharing info on online business ideas because it’s something I love. Good luck with your venture and I hope you’ll return and let me know how it’s going. Thanks so much for visiting my site!