Recently, a follower asked, what do you think is the best online business to start from home? So, today, I’ll be sharing my thoughts with you on this topic.
At the time of publishing this post, my online business is more than 3 years old. Have I weathered some trials and tribulations? You bet!
And, along the windy, twisty path to success, I learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. Perhaps more importantly, I now fully understand and appreciate the myriad benefits of a work-from-home lifestyle.
Freedom, as you approach retirement, or at any stage of life, starts with the ability to make money. And, there’s no better way today than putting the power of the Internet to work for you. So, let me help you “crack the code”!
I won’t keep you in suspense…
In my opinion, affiliate marketing is the absolute best option for any individual looking to start an online business from home. Are there other possibilities? Sure! But they can’t compete, and I intend to substantiate that position fully.
So, with no further delays, let’s get right into it, shall we?
Affiliate Marketing: The Best Online Business Choice
In simple terms, affiliate marketing involves promoting the goods and services of others in exchange for a commission. Aspiring entrepreneurs should feel empowered by the fact that numerous studies indicate affiliates add tremendous value in the online space.
When you consider the affiliate’s role, it’s easy to understand why everyone benefits. Consumers are able to find valuable information, tips, and product reviews on affiliate websites that they would not have access to otherwise. And, merchants can vastly expand their market reach by partnering with affiliates.
The size of the affiliate marketing industry reflects that value factor. Economists predict that the industry will hit $6.8 billion by 2020. We all know that online shopping transactions are exploding, and studies show that roughly 81% of all online sales involve an affiliate.
8 Compelling Attributes of Affiliate Marketing
For many specific reasons, I contend that there’s no better option available than an affiliate marketing niche blog for a home-based business. Consider the following facts:
- It’s cheap to get started, and on-going operational costs are minimal.
- You don’t have to develop your own product because you promote other people’s stuff.
- There are no warehousing or shipping costs to incur because you’re a middleman who doesn’t sell anything.
- You’re free to choose a topical interest (or niche audience) that excites you and for which you have a genuine passion.
- There are millions of products and services you can potentially promote.
- With some training and guidance, anyone can become a successful affiliate because it’s not complicated and doesn’t require a lot of technical expertise.
- It’s a lifestyle-friendly business that you can work on from home or any other location you choose. All you need is a laptop and an Internet connection.
- Once you have an audience (regular traffic), your earnings potential is unlimited.
Start Here [for free] With the Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course
So, What Determines Who Makes Money As An Affiliate and Who Doesn’t?
If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be persistence. It’s pretty simple, really. Stick with it, and you’ll make money. Give up, and you won’t. Take another sneak peek at the list of positives above. Did you notice that nowhere do I say that it’s easy? And, you won’t hear me say that because successful blogging is hard work!
The tough part is building an audience because that takes time. No one pops into the online scene and becomes an overnight authority figure. It just doesn’t work that way. Realistically, you need to plan on devoting a year to establishing your blog as a credible source of information and creating trust.
It helps to have what I think of as a “resilient mindset.” 
Over time, your two most significant sources of relevant traffic will be the search engines like Google and social media platforms. It’s a fact that early on, the search engines will take a “wait and see” attitude. Therefore, you can’t get discouraged when your first articles don’t rank well.
Firstly, you can change that and dramatically improve your search engine rankings by consistently publishing valuable content that meets the needs of your targeted audience. Additionally, through training and research, you can learn better search engine optimization techniques.
Please review the list of attributes one more time. Now answer this question.
Do you have another option exhibiting all of those plus factors that will get you where you want to be a year from now that doesn’t involve hard work? If you do, please share it in the comment section below because we’d all like to hear it 🙂
Frankly, I’m not holding my breath!
For the record, the need to persevere with my online venture didn’t come as any great surprise to me. When I think about engaging in anything new, including deciding to take up a new sport or diving into a new hobby in earnest, I spot a similar pattern. Don’t you?
For instance, if you wanted to become a better amateur photographer, wouldn’t you expect it to take time? You’d need to learn to use equipment properly, experiment with new techniques, and maybe study the work of other photographers. So too, with blogging.
But there’s a bright light at the end of the tunnel. So, it makes perfect sense to keep forging on!
How to Become An Affiliate Marketer
For many people, the biggest hurdle in trying something new, including online business, is knowing where to start. So, I urge you not to let yourself get stuck in pre-blog limbo where the dream lingers on, but you don’t take action.
I want to make you aware of the absolute best affiliate marketing training available on the Internet. It’s an all-inclusive platform with all the resources and support you will need to achieve success, and it’s called Wealthy Affiliate. You can read my latest review of WA here.
It needs to be said that the greatest measure of a legitimate, quality program is transparency. And, that’s precisely what you’ll find at this exceptional training facility. Everyone begins with a free Starter Membership that lets you build your own website, participate in 10 lessons, and rub shoulders with successful and aspiring affiliates in a community of thousands.
No one should feel pressured to commit to anything before they have an opportunity to try it out first hand and ensure it’s a good fit. Wealthy Affiliate is committed to that philosophy. So, why not use that to your advantage and try out the entrepreneurial role?
Wrapping Up
Thanks for sticking with me today as I shared my thoughts on the frequently asked question, what is the best online business to start from home. Do me a favor and mull over those 8 compelling attributes of affiliate marketing. Then, when you’re ready to take a leap of faith, just click the banner below.
A life-changing adventure really can start with just a click!
Over to You
If you have any affiliate marketing experiences to share, or if you’d like to challenge my opinions, please jump into the comments below. I always enjoy a healthy debate!
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Hello Linda, it’s nice coming across such a helpful post. The money-making aspect of an online business is very wide and so there is bound to be some form of business that wouldn’t be very lucrative to bring in some good income for the individual. However, being an affiliate is one I can boast of anywhere that it can bring you money without having to stress yourself about much. Although there is the need to be hardworking and consistent with being an affiliate marketer, because those are two vital keys to success.
Hi Benson,
Yes, I totally agree that consistency and hard work are fundamental to success as an affiliate. The challenge in affiliate marketing stems from the need to develop and nurture an audience. Building the necessary trust takes time and persistent effort.
I’m glad to see you found the post helpful. Thanks for commenting!
I agree with you that affiliate marketing is the best possible work from home opportunity made available right now. It is a business that requires you to build an online presence through a website and with time, get the needed recognition and traffic, which will invariably lead to earning income online through monetization. As simple as you have pointed it out to be, it must be noted that it requires persistence and consistency with a lot of patience to ensure that one can be successful with it. Also, proper training must be undergone too. Nice post
Hi Rodarrick,
Yes, these are all good points. Proper training is incredibly helpful and can lead to success in a much shorter time period. For this reason, I strongly recommend the training available through Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!.
Many people are beginning to look into online businesses to start up their own work. I think that it is a very good move and more people need to look into it as well. I think that many other people are looking into affiliate marketing because it is very lucrative and it also gives a chance for one to look into other businesses as well. You are very accurate with this post and the details are just awesome. I am also an affiliate marketer and I started off parttime. Anyone can do this.
Hi Henderson,
Many people start their affiliate marketing business on a part-time basis. I does take time to get established as I’m sure you’ve found. So, continuing to work and building your website on the side is an approach that makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for taking the time to comment!
Affiliate marketing! It truly is one of the best ways to make money from home if not the best. You know, when i was looking for ways to make money from my house, what I wanted to have exactly was autonomy. Freedom from anyone who would want to stress me. I started as a freelancer but i had bosses again and i quit to affiliate marketing that helped me get the freedom i wanted. I believe that it is something that anyone can do.
Hi John,
I couldn’t agree more! Affiliate marketing is a remarkably flexible business model in so many ways. You choose the direction you want to focus on. Ideally, you focus on a subject you’re truly passionate about and excited about. I also love that I can work from anywhere that has an Internet connection.
It seems we’ve had similarly positive experiences with affiliate marketing and I’m pleased to hear that. Thanks for sharing!
I am one of those recent retirees looking to make some extra income. I agree with your assessment that affiliate marketing is a good starting place for home business. Your topic is perfect for someone like me. In fact, for me it is a great topic. You have been doing this for several years (I just started with WA in October) and have experienced the path I am just starting on. Your insights are very useful; your archive articles offer plenty to read. As someone new to affiliate marketing, your topic content offers me a lot of help in avoiding early errors and encourages me to be persistent. I don’t think I can ask more from your topic articles. I am drawn to your topic area because of the retiree hook; it offers me a more specific community to relate to. Hope I have touched on your concerns.
I’m thrilled to hear you started with WA in October. I’m sure you’ve already discovered an active group of retirees on the platform. Affiliate marketing truly is an exceptional business activity for retirees because it’s so flexible. You’ve hit on the secret to success. It really is persistence! To be successful, you need an audience and that does take time and effort to build.
Fortunately. I’ve derived great enjoyment in the process, and I wish you a similar experience. Thanks for commenting!
I have been on a quest to find an online business that works. I have tried a variety of schemes and I have to call them schemes, they gave me nothing more than heart ache and oh yeah no money! I have been researching affiliate marketing for some time now and your statistics are consistent with what I have found. To achieve success will not be easy and it will require work but working with WA (Wealthy Affiliate) will make my chances of success so much higher. Having the right kind training is key to making big achievements in any project/ business. So I’d like to thank you for sharing and please keep me updated with any other finds.
Hi Derek,
It’s so true that there are a lot of “schemes” promoted online. Most of these are of the “get-rich-quick” variety, and I can assure you that none of them work. Affiliate marketing is completely different. It’s a legitimate business model that has grown in popularity with the Internet and like other businesses it is indeed hard work.
In my experience, the exceptional training available through Wealthy Affiliate can make all the difference. In addition to very thorough training, WA also has all the other resources you need like hosting for your website and a killer keyword research tool.
I believe you’ll find the answer you’re searching for at WA, Derek. Thanks for jumping in and sharing your thoughts!
Every time I watch a video or read a blog, I imagine how great it must be to live as a successful content creator and it would definitely be a lifestyle I’d wish to live.
But I’m not sure if I’m really fit to do that. How do you know if you will make it and you are not wasting your time? And I’m not really a writer or have good video editing skills.
Hi Vasiliq,
I think many of us spend a great deal of time imagining what it would be like to live the blogging lifestyle. I know that was certainly true for me. I can also tell you that my last 3.5 years as a blogger has been amazing. Challenging at times but also very rewarding on many levels.
As for knowing whether you can make it or not, I believe anyone is capable of achieving success online. It’s just a question of how much you want it and how much effort you’re willing to expend. It does require persistence and patience.
I wasn’t a writer either. But content creation is more about communicating with an audience about something you’re passionate about. Like with most things, your writing will improve with practice. Obviously, you won’t really know what you could have accomplished if you never dive in and give it a try.
You have nothing to lose by creating a free starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate and trying things out. Like me, you may find a home there. Good luck and thanks for commenting!
Hi, Thank you for your article. You have written about “What is The Best Online Business to Start From Home?”. I agree with you. There are many ways to earn money from home. That could be affiliate marketing, graphics design, Web design, web development or software development. But I will highly recommend affiliate marketing. Because affiliate marketing is very easy to do. And it is a very profitable business. I also earn money from home doing affiliate marketing.
Hi Likhon,
I have to agree with you that affiliate marketing offers numerous advantages, especially for folks just getting started online. Good luck with your business and thanks for joining the conversation!
Hi Linda,
I really enjoyed surfing all around your website and I’m still learning to get visitor traffic trust at my website – I know it will take time and I’m still going through the training here at WA – I love the community support that I get – It’s awesome !
I love your upbeat positivity and honesty that I see – I think I’ll follow you as well.
When you have a chance, check out my website as well and maybe give me some pointers on what I could do better
Hi Sqwirlgrl,
I’m excited to hear you’re a WA member and going through the training. And yes, the community support is awesome :). Building traffic does take time, but if you stick with it your traffic will grow. And, once you have traffic, the sky is the limit.
I’m happy to check out your site and I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
Hello. Thanks for sharing such an amazing article about the best online business.
Affiliate marketing changed my perception about online business. In the past i tried to find information about how to make money online but there was a lot of fake information and scams. I found the Wealthy Affiliate platform and i feel that i’m on my way to success. As you said here too, you need a lot of ambition, determination and patience to earn online money. With all the professional trainings on Wealthy Affiliate, and people who try to help you everytime and from everywhere, I must admit that here is the perfect place to create the best online business.
Thanks again and wish you all the best!
Hi, and thanks for sharing your experiences. I agree you have to be careful. You certainly can’t believe everything you read online. But as we’ve both discovered, Wealthy Affiliate is the Real Deal. They can’t guarantee your success. Only you can do that through hard work and persistence. But they can provide all the tools, training, and support you need to build a successful online business.
I’m wishing all the best for you as well!