As we all know, it’s best to approach Internet programs with a bit of skepticism. They don’t all deliver on their promises and who wants to waste their time and then not get paid?
Qmee was originally launched back in 2012 but has since added new features that make it easier to put a little green in your wallet. I’ve not only researched this web application but joined and conducted my own tests. In this way, I can flavor my insights based on personal experience.
Currently, you must be a resident of either the US or the UK to participate. Members must also be at least 13 years of age to create an account.
Qmee is definitely worth checking out. So, let’s do that, shall we?
What is Qmee?
Qmee is a free web application that uses a browser extension to help advertisers connect with targeted users as they perform online searches. As you search normally with your favorite browser, you can:
- discover new brands;
- get money-saving coupons;
- compare pricing on products: and
- earn cash by clicking on relevant ads.
Additionally, you can earn even more cash by participating in surveys and providing your valuable feedback. The recent addition of a mobile Qmee app lets you make some money on the go which just increases the appeal.
Qmee works seamlessly with my online lifestyle, and I find very little not to like. For me, the major benefit of Qmee is much like that of another favorite rewards program of mine (Swagbucks). I can install it and carry on with my life. Both programs work in the background and allow me to accumulate some much-appreciated pocket money over time.
My approach is to let my rewards grow to enhance my holidays and other special occasions. To be clear, I certainly can’t pay the bills with monies earned from rewards or search loyalty programs. No one is getting rich with these sites!
But, I can effortlessly earn extra money for a nice bottle of wine to complement Thanksgiving dinner, some fun stocking stuffers for the grandkids at Christmas time, and the occasional dinner out with friends. That works for me! 🙂
Earn Extra Money for the #Holidays or Other Special Occasions
Does that appeal to you as well?
If so, let me show you some details behind why I’m crushing on this app.
How Does Qmee Work?
Getting started and using Qmee is incredibly quick and simple. Here’s how the process works.
Get Set Up:
(1) Sign-up for free using your Facebook or Twitter account or by entering an e-mail address and password.
(2) Download and install the Qmee extension for your browser of choice. I use Google Chrome, but Qmee works with all popular browsers,
(3) Track your progress. Just click the Q in your browser toolbar to see the balance in your “piggybank” at any time (or to cash out your earnings).
Use Qmee:
Once Qmee is installed on your device, just search the web as you normally would. That’s about all there is to it. Oh, and don’t be surprised or discouraged if you don’t immediately see search results. When I first created my account, it took about 4 days for my first clickable results to appear. Based on my research, that seems to be about the norm.
How to Earn Money By Clicking Ads
Do you do a lot of online shopping as I do?
Take a look at the image below to see an example of clickable ads related to my search.
Example of Clickable Ads From a Google Search
From what I’ve seen, you typically get paid between $.04 and $.15 when you click on an ad. Not much, right? But here’s how I see it. I was performing this search anyway, and without Qmee I wouldn’t have earned anything. Clicking takes a second, so why not?
One benefit I enjoy is that I get suggestions I wouldn’t necessarily have thought about, and I’ve saved money by following through on them. And, remember my earlier caveat. I only expect my earnings to grow very slowly over time. But as I do a lot of Googling on a routine basis, my balance does indeed grow.
If you’re wondering how Qmee can afford to pay these fees, it’s because advertisers pay Qmee to get their products in front of consumers and Qmee shares these fees. Each time a user clicks on a search result link, he or she provides useful data about their online behavior.
Be aware that you won’t see ads every time you search. That makes sense to me because I wouldn’t expect Qmee to have relationships with everyone. When I do see ads, there are two aspects (in addition to the earning opportunity) that I really appreciate. My basic search results don’t change, and the ads are not intrusive.
How to Earn Money by #Clicking Ads
Cautionary Advice
Before we move on, I also want to caution you about trying to game the system by performing endless searches for the sole purpose of making more money. I mention this because I’ve come across a lot of posted questions asking for information on things like what to search on Qmee or Qmee searches that work.
My advice is to completely avoid that type of behavior. Qmee monitors your activity for reasonableness, and they will shut your account down for suspicious activity. Surf the web as you always do and be happy getting paid for your routine online activities.
How to Get Paid for Taking Surveys Online
That said, I know that many people enjoy surveys. So, for purposes of this review, I wanted to test out this Qmee feature. As of the date of this post, I’ve participated in at least a dozen surveys on this site and shared my thoughts and opinions on a wide variety of topics.
Here are a few of my observations:
- Right from the beginning, I’ve been offered a lot of surveys every day;
- Compared to other sites, I’ve found the surveys to be very user-friendly;
- I’ve qualified for far more surveys on Qmee than I have on most other sites I’ve tried;
- Surprisingly enough, some of the surveys were interesting; and
- My survey earnings have been promptly credited to my account.
In other words, I’ve had positive impressions for someone who dislikes surveys. While I’ll never be an avid survey taker for reasons already mentioned, I do envision trying 3 or 4 short surveys a week to pad my account a bit. For survey enthusiasts, I see even more possibilities.
The image below shows just a few of my survey offerings.
How to Get Paid Paid for Taking #Surveys Online
Download the Qmee Mobile App
I tend to get antsy and impatient in those situations, but I decided to try a survey instead. It worked out well and beats just getting frustrated. So, I expect to find it useful in similar scenarios and I bet you would, too!
Ways to #Earn Money With Your Phone
How Does Qmee Pay You?
Every Qmee user needs a Paypal account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up for free here. I love that Qmee doesn’t make users wait or jump through any hoops to get paid. There are no minimum thresholds, and you can cash out directly to Paypal at any time.
Click the “Q” in your browser toolbar and choose cash out my piggybank. Funds are immediately transferred and available in your Paypal account. How sweet is that?
Cash was the only payout option for a while, but Qmee now offers gift cards for Amazon, iTunes, and Starbucks. You do have to have at least $5 in your account to cash out with a gift card. Furthermore, you can’t choose the gift card option until you’ve cashed out through Paypal at least once (even if you only transfer 5 cents).
Qmee uses your Paypal account to verify your identity. That’s the rationale behind making you cash out with Paypal at least once. They want to make sure the right person is receiving the rewards.
Qmee Features I Really Like
- Join for free
- Make a bit of extra money in a variety of easy ways
- Get paid cash for online surveys and just sharing your thoughts
- I’ve been offered multiple surveys throughout each day
- Discover new brands and make money online clicking ads as you search
- Get offers of money-saving coupons
- Once you install the Qmee browser extension, it works in the background with whatever browser you normally use
- Cash out your “piggybank” directly to Paypal at any time (there are no minimum payment thresholds to meet)
- Search on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and even Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and Best Buy
- You can refer your friends and family to earn rewards
- The mobile app lets you make money on the go from anywhere
Qmee Features I Don’t Like
Honestly, I’m reaching here and really haven’t observed many cons. This is about all I’ve come up with.
- Earning potential is extremely limited
- It takes several days after you first join to start seeing clickable ads in search
Is Qmee Worth Your Time?
Yes, I definitely feel it is. It’s not a bunch of money, but you earn search rewards for activities you do anyway. There’s really no additional investment in time. So, why not earn a little mad money? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
Personally, I’m not willing to spend a lot of time on surveys because the return on my time investment is too low. I’ve found a far better way to supplement my earnings online. If you’re interested in greater earnings potential, you may want to investigate Wealthy Affiliate which is my #1 recommendation for making money online,
But either way, I think Qmee is a nice little side hustle. Since it’s free, there’s really no downside to joining.
Sign Up for a Qmee account here.
Please enjoy the short video below.
Wrapping Things Up
I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed this Qmee review and my take on how to make money with Qmee. Qmee is a highly reputable and completely legitimate program that rewards you for searching the net, clicking ads and providing opinions that may even influence new product development.
What Do You Think?
Do you have any experiences with Qmee, good or bad, that you’d be willing to share with us? Would you recommend Qmee? Please drop me a line in the comment section below.
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Hi Linda,
Thanks for the article on Qmee. Great to know that it is legit from an active user. There are so many scams out there that make outlandish promises just to take your money and waste your time.
It’s a shame that it is only for those in the US and UK. Do you know if they intend to allow us unlucky Canadians into the program anytime soon?
Hi Ed,
Yes, Qmee is a completely legit program. Everything I’ve earned has been credited to my account within seconds. There are sites that take days or even weeks to credit your earnings. So, Qmee’s responsiveness is much appreciated. There are also no hoops to jump through to get paid. You can cash out directly to Paypal with as little as a few cents if you choose (no minimum thresholds).
I posed your question directly to Qmee support regarding expanding the program to Canada and it seems they are hard at work trying to make that happen soon. Here’s the response I received from their support team.
“Qmee is only available in the UK and the US at the moment, but bringing the app to other countries is something we’re looking in to – we’re hoping to be available in Canada by the end of the year (or early next year). Keep an eye on our blog and social sites for when we add new countries as we will post details there.”
I will add that I received this prompt and courteous response within a minute or two of sending my inquiry. To me, that’s hugely impressive 🙂 I’ll plan to post an update on my blog when they arrive in Canada. You may also want to follow Qmee on Facebook to get the scoop directly.
Thanks for joining the conversation!
Hi Linda… very good article on Qmee. I think this is a great way to earn a few extra bucks for someone who has a passion for shopping online. However, I’m not at all excited about the survey portion of it… namely, because the payout is way too low for the amount of time it takes to complete each survey. So just to be clear… this app is absolutely Free, right?
Hi Mark,
Yes, indeed. Qmee is absolutely free to join. I shop online extensively so I see Qmee as a super way to earn a little extra money on the side. I tend to agree with you on surveys but as I’ve detailed in my post, my experience with Qmee surveys have been far more positive than on most other sites I’ve tried. It’s true they don’t pay much but they also have a lot of short surveys that can be completed quickly (while you’re tied up in waiting rooms and the like). Their mobile app is great!
One of my frustrations with surveys is that I don’t tend to qualify very often. I completely understand that companies are looking for feedback from a particular demographic group because they want “relevant” input. For example, my participation was declined the other day by a company looking for feedback on a new snowboarding product. I get it! 🙂 What possible value can a 60 something retiree (who has never tried snowboarding and isn’t likely to start now) add to that discussion, right?
Of course, the frustration comes into play because you can waste a lot of time answering questions before they figure out you’re not part of their target market. I’ll make two points here based on my experiences with Qmee surveys so far. I’ve been declined far less often than on other sites (which suggests they’re doing a decent job of matching up profile data) and when I am declined I usually receive a few cents for my efforts. For people who enjoy surveys, I really think this is a good site to try.
Overall, I can see absolutely no risk or downsides to joining, so you might want to give it a whirl. And, I do appreciate you stopping by my site!
Interesting! I did have Qmee downloaded a long time ago but ended up getting frustrated by how much I was earning. What would you say is a realistic monthly figure??
You rightly say that it is a very convenient and easy way to make some extra cash! Maybe I’ll sign up for it again 🙂
Hi Stephen,
No one is going to earn a lot with a rewards program. I think with minimal but consistent activity it’s reasonable to earn $15 – $20 per month. I tend to let my earnings build on such sites. Let it grow for a few months and it’s not bad as a source of pocket money. I know people who earn a little more because they spend a lot more time on surveys. It’s completely free so it can’t hurt to try it out for a while,right?
Thanks for your comments!