We live in a booming digital world with more than 4.25 billion people online. In today’s day and age, anytime someone broaches the subject of why become an affiliate marketer, my immediate temptation is to respond with a simple (and rhetorical) question.
*Updated from an earlier post published in 2018
Is there anything that you can’t buy online today?
I don’t mean to sound flip with that response, And, I also don’t want to take anyone’s concerns lightly. But I do think that responding in this fashion serves to highlight a significant fact. The online marketing space is vast and growing exponentially. Furthermore, these factors are hugely relevant to every affiliate marketing decision.
Let’s take a deep dive into this issue, shall we?
What is the Definition of Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a proven business model that lets affiliates tap into the online economy. It works off the concept of revenue sharing, which is a practice that predates the Internet. We adapted earlier principles to e-commerce.
Here’s a visual of how affiliate marketing works. Let’s expand on this.
As this infographic points out, affiliate marketers become the all-important link between online vendors with products to sell and consumers who invariably perform online research before making many of their more substantial purchase decisions.
At its core, affiliate marketing is a strategy that involves promoting the product (or service) of another company in exchange for a fee. You can choose from hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs that are all free to join, Join the program, get a link, promote the product, and earn a commission.
Let’s further examine some of my reasons for pursuing affiliate marketing.
6 Powerful Reasons to Become An Affiliate Marketer
When I first started asking “why become an affiliate marketer,” I think I was mainly looking for confirmation. The skeptics (who are always with us) warned me about chasing a dream.
Maybe you know a few of those people?
And yet, my intuition kept screaming something very different. Online spending was exploding, and I knew millions of products were available for sale at all hours of the day and night.
Seriously, how can there not be marketing opportunities in that environment?
But all those skeptics had a lot of fuel behind their arguments also. Because any time there’s a lot of money to be made, you’re bound to find unscrupulous individuals in the mix. So, I was cautious, but I continued to explore and gather information to make an informed decision about pursuing Internet marketing.
Ultimately, I found an online platform where I felt at home and very safe right from the get-go. I launched my affiliate marketing niche website in May 2016, and I’ve never looked back or questioned my choice.
Let’s further examine some of my primary reasons for jumping into this business venture.
#1 – The Size of the Industry is Enormous and Growing
The affiliate marketing industry is witnessing staggering growth rates, and that trend is forecast to continue. Based on a study by Forrester Consulting in February 2016, spending on affiliate marketing in the US should reach $6.8 billion in 2020.
Look at the graph below:
I confess I can’t really get my head around those numbers. But I do recognize abundant opportunity when I see it! Wouldn’t you like to share in that abundance also?
#2 – Affiliate Marketing is an Integral Component of Today’s World
Online sales of merchandise broke all records in 2019 and forecasts indicate this will happen in 2020. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, retail e-commerce sales increased by 14.9% in 2019 from the previous year and reached $601,7 billion.
Moreover, according to the same study referenced above, approximately 81% of those sales involved an affiliate. Many companies rely exclusively on affiliates to build their exposure, brand, and revenue.
Affiliate marketing is performance-based. So, businesses need only pay commissions for completed sales transactions. That makes it a risk-free marketing approach for merchants.
Affiliates drive sales, but wait,,,,
We also add tremendous value through product reviews and content marketing. Bloggers create relevant, high-quality content that satisfies a growing demand for information consumption by our readers. Studies show that an overwhelming majority of buyers read online reviews before making major purchase decisions.
In other words, we fulfill a vital role within the online economy because we help people to make more informed decisions. It’s rewarding to contribute real value to the process. Wouldn’t you agree?
#3 – Are 500 Million Promotable Products Enough For You?
In all seriousness, the plethora of products you can promote as an affiliate is amazing. Your choices are virtually unlimited, which makes this business model extremely appealing. Remember, it’s your site, you’re the boss, and you get to make the product selections.
One of your first tasks will be to select a niche. Hopefully, you’ll choose a passionate interest to focus on because you can then understand your readers’ needs and empathize with their concerns. Every niche offers tons of possibilities for product, service, and resource promotions.
Where do your passions lie?
Whether your site focuses on weight loss, exercise, drones, photography, dog training, or a myriad of other potential topics, there are a ton of useful and relevant products.
That’s empowering, isn’t it?
#4 – Very Low Barriers to Entry
Starting a brick and mortar enterprise is beyond the means of the vast majority of us. Just securing a location, not to mention acquiring fixtures and inventory, is capital intensive.
But an online business venture is an entirely different animal because it does not require a significant financial investment. This fact opens the field to individuals of far more modest means. The online space is a wonderfully “inclusive” environment.
Many of the folks who populate the online world are retirees, stay-at-home Moms or Dads, employees working part-time to supplement wages, college students, disabled individuals, and many others with limited financial backing.
There are even avenues to get started for free!
#5 – Allows for a Healthy, Flexible and Balanced Lifestyle
Please read this subheading one more time before moving on!
Did you notice it doesn’t say you won’t be working hard or that you will see immediate results? Sadly, there is no “secret sauce” or “magic bullet” that will let you make money without a significant investment of time and effort. You’ll be performing substantive tasks like blogging, SEO, and keyword research.
I recommend you find or create a conducive workspace where you can focus for several hours a day. As with most activities, more time spent on task typically equates to more rapid success.
That said, you do have the flexibility to adopt a schedule that works for you. For example, I’m a morning person, but you may be a night owl. I prefer more frequent but shorter work sessions while you may choose to focus on “marathon” writing sessions and have more free days.
My work hours can shift to accommodate hobbies or personal obligations. I relish being able to work while traveling. And, I’ve found many more enjoyable ways to spend the formerly wasted commuting time.
What would you do if you could reclaim those commuting hours?
#6 – Passive Income May Follow in Time
Let me be very clear here that blogging is by no means a passive activity. As an Internet marketer, you actively create content. However, the nature of the Internet does create realistic opportunities for performing work once and getting paid for that work product multiple times.
So, how does that work?
Most of us are intimately familiar with the concept of trading time for money. We perform services for X number of hours and receive an agreed-upon rate of compensation. This trade-off is the essence of “active income.” But blogging is a very different beast.
As a blogger, you perform work (writing, researching, social media posting, etc.). But your efforts are not immediately rewarded. Without an employer, no one has agreed in advance to pay you for your efforts. You publish articles on the Net, and over time your content attracts a following.
You grow your traffic through social media sites and by ranking your posts in Google and other search engines. Once you have traffic and real people are reading your helpful reviews and solution-oriented articles, the intoxicating magic of passive income starts to kick in. A reader, somewhere on the globe, clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase.
You wake up the following morning to discover you made money while you slept. Did you work for those first earnings? You bet! You may have been blogging in obscurity for 6 months or more. Most newbies do 🙂 It’s a rite of passage.
But those first anonymous earnings are more than enough to confirm that the methodology works. Now it’s just a question of scaling your efforts. Because persistence pays off! Moreover, after months of consistently publishing even one or two posts a week, your chances of being found in the search engines start to rise rapidly.
If you need immediate gratification, affiliate marketing is not for you. But if you have the patience to build a business one post at a time, know that success is very achievable.
Do you have the patience and perseverance to strive for a brighter future?
What Do You Need to Get Started?
The low cost of entry is one of the most attractive aspects of starting an affiliate marketing business. You can start and grow your own online venture with minimal resources compared to most other business opportunities. I know we discussed this above but it bears repeating.
Here’s what you need:
- a computer or laptop
- a reliable internet connection
- a website and hosting for your site
- training in basic principles
Where Can You Safely Explore Affiliate Marketing?
After sticking with me this far, I know you’re thoroughly intrigued and craving more information about affiliate marketing. I can go on at length and tell you that creating a website is much easier than you think and that you can do this. And, that’s all true!
But what you really need right now is a safe and supportive environment where you can try things out for yourself. I want you to experience building your own website from scratch and completing some excellent training exercises.
Furthermore, I want you to take these steps within a welcoming and supportive community. You’ll be surrounded by thousands of active members, including the owners, who are willing to help answer all your questions.
You can read this post to see everything WA has to offer. Or, you can create a free account now and discover the benefits of WA membership from within the community.
==> Click to Create a Free WA Starter Membership Now
Final Thoughts
I know that many people spend a great deal of time mulling over the question, why become an affiliate marketer? Having been in precisely your shoes, I understand the conflicting emotions as you contemplate something very unfamiliar.
Excitement, curiosity, and trepidation all combine to create a heady feeling, right?
My sincere hope is that the 6 powerful reasons that we talked about today will help you make the absolute best decision for you.
Now, Over to You
Have you tried your hand at affiliate marketing? If not, do you still have questions that are holding you back? Please give me a shout in the comment section if I can help!
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Consistency is key to success basically at anything in life and this applies to affiliate marketing as well. It takes quite some time and hard work to achieve great results. Most people fail to make any money with affiliate marketing, because they give up way too early. And it’s still not too late to get into affiliate marketing, because it’s growing every day.
Agreed! Affiliate marketing is an industry that’s growing at an explosive rate because it makes good business sense for all parties. involved: the vendor, the consumer, and the affiliate. Make no mistake. Affiliate marketing is a business. No new business whether offline or online is immediately profitable. But, with dedication and persistence, affiliate marketing has enormous potential in today’s economy.
Thanks for sharing your insights!
Really love this blog post. I think people don’t realize the potential of affiliate marketing. And it has even bigger potential for the older generation especially as it can be done at home. And it does not require any strenuous or arduous work. Over all the page is a nice layout and easy to navigate. The post is concise and able to convey what it is trying to say clearly. If you don’t mind me asking how did you get the WA box onto your website? I am new to affiliate marketing and websites.
Hi Joseph,
As someone new to affiliate marketing and website creation, you have an exciting journey ahead of you. An affiliate marketing business can be scaled to any level and offers enormous potential to seniors and many others including stay-at-home Moms and Dads, the unemployed or underemployed, caretakers, disabled individuals and anyone else with a compelling need or desire to work from home.
Make no mistake. As with any other business venture, it takes work and consistent effort. But you make an excellent point that the work is not physically strenuous or demanding. It also affords a great deal of scheduling flexibility and is not location specific which is a huge advantage for many folks including retirees like myself.
If you have a desire to share your passions and experiences with the world and you love the idea of connecting with like-minded individuals, affiliate marketing is a perfect venue.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I don’t ever mind questions about my content or my website itself. The ‘WA Box’ is nothing more than an image that was easily created with a resource called Canva that you can read more about here. My website was created in WordPress which allows for insertion of any image with ease.
If you’re ready to try it out for yourself, you can claim your 2 free websites here with nothing more than an email address. I highly recommend that you get some hands-on experience with website creation. But you don’t want to make any financial commitments until you’re absolutely sure it’s a good fit for you. So, the link above is a risk-free opportunity you won’t want to miss out on.
Best wishes for your success!
Affiliate marketing is a great way off operating your own business. You don’t hold any stock or have many overheads. Once you master the written content and SEO you can set yourself up for a lucrative business.
There is also a variety of choices as you point out – over 500 million products to promote!
What can WA offer that other learning portals can’t?
Hi Darren,
I couldn’t agree more that affiliate marketing represents an amazing business opportunity that is open to anyone with a strong work ethic and abiding interest.
In a world where new businesses of any kind (online or brick and mortar) fail at an alarming rate, I attribute the success and longevity of my website to the training, mentoring and resources that I’ve been privy to as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate (WA) since April 2016.
As an active participant in the “make money online” niche, I’ve devoted countless hours to reviewing various affiliate marketing learning portals and I can state with absolute conviction that there is not another program out there anywhere that even comes close to WA in terms of either the comprehensiveness of offerings or the price.
WA is a one-stop shop offering absolutely everything you need and in that sense it is unrivaled. There are some other programs that offer reasonable training for beginners but they don’t include essential resources like hosting, a website builder, or a keyword research tool. In other words, you have to go elsewhere to apply what you learn and acquire the tools.
I don’t know how you feel, but that doesn’t work for me!
WA is continuously improving and adding value for its members but hasn’t increased their prices in more than a decade. How’s that for value? I converted my monthly membership to an annual membership in November 2016 by taking advantage of WA’s annual Black Friday promotion. In fact, you’ll have an opportunity to do that also from November 23rd to November 26th 2018 when an annual membership will once again be available for $299.
That’s $25 per month or less than $1 per day for all the training, support and tools I need to operate my business. Wow! Where else can you find that?
I’ve already written a comprehensive post detailing specific features of WA, so I’ll direct you to that post rather than doing a complete rehash here.
Thanks for your comments and questions. I wish you well with your affiliate marketing efforts!
There is no reason to fail in this business if you are willing to learn to use the tools and put in the time and effort. Too many people think they should get online today and be making money by tomorrow and that usually isn’t their fault as they have been exposed to so many shady opportunities. I’m glad you are taking the time to teach people the right way.
Hi Dale,
I dove into affiliate marketing with the mindset that failure was not an option and it’s worked out well for me. As a senior affiliate, I never bought into the “get rich quick” mentality and I don’t want to create any unrealistic expectations on the part of my readers. I was incredibly fortunate to find a platform with all the training and resources I need to achieve success. I’m simply sharing the business philosophies that have worked for me and countless others.
Thanks for stopping by and jumping into the conversation.
The reasons that you laid out here will sure help someone to decide to dive into affiliate marketing. Just like me, having the healthy, flexible, balanced lifestyle is something that I love about doing affiliate marketing. It’s not that easy. But with persistence and the right platform definitely success in this business will give us passive income and the opportunity to live a stress free retirement. Thanks for this wonderful post.
All the best,
Hi Anastacio,
My purpose in writing this post addressing the frequently asked question of why become an affiliate marketer was to lay out valid reasons without all the hype and sugar-coating that frequently accompanies these discussions. You are correct that it’s not easy. I sincerely hope that message comes through along with my love for blogging and my fervent belief that anyone with the proper tools and mindset can do this.
Thanks for your input!
I’ve really been looking hard into affiliate products as an avenue for my blog to earn some more money. I’ve already gone down the Adsense route but as you can imagine – I’m not earning an awful lot from that.
I kind of worry that the learning curve of affiliate marketing is too big – way too many things to learn before you can see success. What are your thoughts about this, and how long did it take you to learn the ropes properly?
Hi Chris,
I highly recommend affiliate marketing over Adsense as a vastly superior technique for monetizing your blog. In my opinion, the learning curve for affiliate marketing itself is not that steep. It’s a very straight-forward concept. What takes time and practice is developing a body of effective and helpful content that attracts readers.
Traffic is the life-blood of any online business. Quality content attracts targeted readers and that takes effort and knowledge of search engine optimization techniques. Most of us begin to see our first financial successes in the six to twelve month time-frame because it takes a while to grow your content and to establish credibility with Google and the other search engines.
Placing ads on your site before you have a lot of traffic is a waste of time because no one will see them. You also need traffic to see results from affiliate links but the difference is that individual affiliate referrals tend to involve far more compensation than the pennies you’ll derive from clicks on ads.
Let me give you an example. As an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate, I earned a $177 commission last week from one click by one reader. My referral joined WA an an annual premium member and purchased 3 domains. It would take hundreds of clicks to earn that amount of compensation with Adsense. There’s nothing wrong with eventually adding Ads to the mix but I would focus on relevant, high-quality content that includes affiliate links.
There’s also another reason I prefer affiliate marketing over Ads. I have more control. I promote only those products and services that I’ve used myself and have complete confidence in. You won’t have total control with Adsense and that’s a problem for me.
Good luck, Chris. I hope you’ll give affiliate marketing a try and that you’ll pop back to let me know how it works out for you.
Thank you for reminding me of my reasons for wanting to do affiliate marketing. The idea of freedom, flexibility, and passive income are all the reasons I pursued this. I realize that I need to have a more strict schedule when it comes to doing this.
When you started affiliate marketing, were you still working a job? I am not sure if I can go into affiliate marketing full time just yet. I want to build my savings first.
Hi Jessie,
No, I was not still working a job when I first started affiliate marketing. I’m a senior affiliate and retired from my full-time career in 2015, I launched my website the following year. I would caution you NOT to quit your job to pursue affiliate marketing full-time until your site is well-established and earning a replacement income. Many affiliates take years to earn a full-time income from their website.
The good thing is that you can get started on a part-time basis. Most people can carve out 10 – 20 hours per week to create content and build their website if they have a sincere interest. I’m not implying it’s easy but you can probably eliminate some things like watching TV, playing video games, or other purely personal pursuits.
If you have a hobby that you’re really into and spend time on, you may be able to capitalize on that interest and turn your passion for the activity into a successful niche website by connecting with other enthusiasts and sharing your knowledge.
It may take a little longer to expand your site if you’re working around a job, but if you add to your website regularly you can still make progress. Although I don’t work full-time, my site has been built around other commitments like extensive volunteering. So, I can assure you that part-time efforts do indeed pay off over time.
Establish a realistic schedule that works for you, focus during those times, and stick with it to see continuous growth.
Good luck!
Affiliate marketing is a great business for new entrepreneurs to get into. I’ve started it myself, but I’m a little worried I didn’t pick a very lucrative niche. Can’t seem to find commissions higher than 5% on items that only cost about $20. I broadened my niche a bit and that helped. I am having a problem getting accepted by some programs, probably due to not a big amount of traffic. It is a bit slow going to get started, but once I can break the threshold, I’m hoping the opportunities are endless.
Hi Holly,
As you’re discovering, affiliate marketing will not bring overnight success, It’s an exceptional opportunity but it does take time to get established. Focus on creating high-quality content that deals with the questions and problems your targeted audience is concerned with resolving. Do your keyword research and employ sound SEO strategies to gradually increase your site traffic and improve your Google trust factor.
Once you have regular traffic visiting your site, you can re-apply to affiliate programs and you’re highly likely to be accepted. You don’t say how old your website is but give it a year and you should start to see some good results assuming you’re publishing consistently.
I can point you to numerous success stories at Wealthy Affiliate for those who follow the training and take consistent action. Just be patient and invest in yourself. Everything worthwhile takes work. I believe in you and wish you well!
This is a great introduction to affiliate marketing and why it’s a great opportunity to generate income. I’m actually a member of WA already and you hit it right on the head.
To anyone reading this post, do yourself a favor and grab the free account. Check it out. If you see the value, great. If not, all you’ve lost is a little time to see for yourself. The community is by far the best part of WA and there’s always someone willing to help. Training and hosting are top-notch too.
Hi Scott,
You and I are obviously like-minded regarding the incredible value at Wealthy Affiliate for existing and aspiring affiliate marketers. And, I couldn’t agree more that a free Starter Membership is the way to go for anyone contemplating getting into affiliate marketing. There’s no cost, no commitment and no risk. But the information available is phenomenal and the opportunity to build a website for free is something no one should pass up. As you point out, if WA is not for you, you simply walk away with nothing lost but a little bit of time.
Thanks for chiming in!
Hello Linda,
I am happy that i came across your website and found this interesting post on why become an affiliate marketer. For sure unemployment is increasing these days and people have to find solutions to their problems. Affiliate marketing is the solution to the unemployment because this marketing is becoming popular all over the world.
You have mentioned many reasons and how to be successful and that is a wonderful contribution to the world.
If people follow the advice and instructions you are giving in this post, they will succeed and I am included too because I am a newbie in this business too.
Thank you so much
Thank you, Julienne,
I’m happy to be of service and I appreciate the kind words. You indicate you’re a newbie at affiliate marketing so I hope you’ll reach out if I can help.
Best wishes for your success!
I thoroughly enjoyed your website! I have only been involved with WA for about a month and am in that “right of passage” building stage.
I spent countless hours looking at other learning portals and programs for online marketing and WA is absolutely the best. Like you said, there are other sites which offer some things, but everything is together at WA. What is also nice is that you can have up to 25 wordpress sites – I am going to migrate some of my other informational (not marketing) sites to WA when I get a chance.
At my old hosting site, there was no SEO instruction, no free site protection against malware with SSL, and you had to wait forever for any help. At WA, if you run into a problem there are thousands of people ready to lend a hand.
Like I said, I am just getting started so thanks for the encouragement! Dave.
Hi Dave,
I too invested many hours investigating other programs before settling on Wealthy Affiliate. I even got sucked into paying an upfront fee to one organization that didn’t offer a free trial and didn’t do a particularly thorough job of explaining their program. I won’t call them a scam operation because they eventually refunded my money. But I will say that their training was disorganized and difficult to follow. More importantly, they didn’t offer any of the resources necessary to actually implement the affiliate marketing training. You had to go elsewhere to secure hosting, buy a domain, and obtain a keyword research tool. That approach didn’t work for me as a newbie.
Thankfully, I found WA which is a totally comprehensive, one-stop shop. So refreshing! If you’re just getting started, please reach out to me on the WA platform if you think I might be able to help. Best wishes!
There are so many good reasons to become an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketers do not earn money overnight. There is a learning curve and it requires hard work, consistency and patience.
It is important to join a good system in order to get the right training and support. There are many people who fail to be affiliate marketers due to the lack of proper training and support.
Your article is great. Thank you.
Hi Christine,
I have to agree that proper training and support are keys to success in affiliate marketing and probably most other endeavors. I’ve seen many people give up when they were right on the cusp of success and I think it’s because they didn’t reach out for help or understand that building a business is a process.
Wealthy Affiliate provides its members with a blueprint and very detailed training. If you get confused or need feedback, the community always has your back,
I hope you’ll stick with the training and continue to pursue your dreams of online success!
Hello Linda, great post on Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is the best and easiest way to generate revenue online, but success will not happen overnight. Most people will put in little to no effort and complain about making no money. The best formula for success is patience and hard work, and if you want success you need to get it!! I am still working on my niche website in order to see the result that I deserve. Thanks again, and your post has motivated me to continue to push through and never give up.
Hi Ahmad,
Thanks for jumping into the conversation and sharing your thoughts with me and my readers. I’m thrilled to hear I’ve played a role in motivating you to take action and go after the affiliate marketing success that you desire. It sounds like you have the right mindset, I know you can do this!
If you want to retire comfortably and you haven’t had a chance to build up enough savings, then online marketing is your ticket to the kind of lifestyle you want. With 3 billion people active online and only 644 million websites, you do the math. There are waaaaay more people online than there are websites, so that means there is plenty of opportunity to get a piece of that pie for yourself. As you explain, you have to make sure you don’t fall prey to a scam artist because there is also plenty of those out there too ( they are trying to make a living the wrong way online ) Wealthy Affiliate is the only community where you can get 24 hour support. They are the real deal and will literally hold your hand through the whole process of making your own website. All you need to have is motivation, determination and a passion for a subject that you know a lot about
Hi Sophia,
I like your math 🙂 It’s true that there are more than 3 billion users online. These are real people with very real needs for information, goods and services. That clearly spells abundance, Yes, there are scammers but there’s also a ton of opportunity for legitimate online businesses. And, that’s what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. As you’ve stated so nicely, they are indeed the real deal
If you bring the desire and proper motivation, Wealthy Affiliate will provide all the guidance and support you need to achieve your online goals. Thanks for commenting and please keep in touch, I would love to follow your success!
Affiliate marketing is a business that’s here to stay as people will continue to buy stuff online for the rest of the ages. So it’s an evergreen business, thanks for this detailed post about affiliate marketing. Persistency is key, learn to do things the right way and be patient enough to wait for your business to slowly grow into authority.
I joined the affiliate marketing world in 2016. I’ve never been employed by any company and I don’t wish to be.
Hi Lok,
It sounds like you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and exactly the right attitude to do well in the affiliate marketing space. Good for you! I have to agree that buying online is here to stay. And, with all the information available on the Internet (literally at our fingertips) people will continue to seek information and product reviews. That’s where Internet marketers can add value and attract a following.
I wish you every success in your business and I appreciate your comments!
Great topic for the season. Affiliate marketing has come to stay and become one of the largest growing businesses on the internet. The industry is growing every day. Affiliate marketing is like buying and selling in our regular local markets but here you are rewarded for bringing or referring buyers to your sellers. The encouragement is there and there is space and a chance for everyone to participate in this affiliate marketing business. You will always find your niche to dive into.
Over 500 million products are not jokes. Hence you have more than enough products to sell and profit from.
Also as an affiliate marketer you are the boss of yourself. You will never be boxed inside any office receiving any order from other frustrating bosses. You are in control of your time and you can earn as much as you want. No barrier to success as an affiliate marketer.
The best place to learn and be trained on how to become a professional affiliate marketer is on Wealthy Affiliate.
Well said! I couldn’t agree more that opportunities abound in affiliate marketing. It’s difficult to discount a $6 billion industry. And. of course. I’m a huge Wealthy Affiliate fan, so I won’t argue with you that it’s the best place to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing. 🙂
Linda, I really enjoy your style! Your site is quickly becoming a favorite. I think anyone reading will understand why I direct my retired friends to your website. I have my own but, my sites don’t always appeal to retirees. You hold the same integrity that I do while appealing to a market that’s harder for me in my mid 40’s …I like to say I’m level 46!
The numbers are strong and well represented here. Some retirees I’ve met just want to share their life story as well. I want to read those stories!
You bring your message home well that you can truly create a business that allows for a flexible, healthy and balanced lifestyle that we all deserve!
Hi Fyre,
Thanks for directing your retired friends my way. That’s a wonderful compliment and one that I sincerely appreciate. I’ve had the good fortune to work with aspiring affiliate marketers of all ages. It truly is a wide open field. But, as a retiree myself, I must admit to a particular affinity for working with other seniors who may feel some intimidation. You make an excellent point that retirees have a great deal of experience to share and I hope to inspire other seniors to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
I feel the detailed training and support at Wealthy Affiliate is a wonderful fit for seniors. I’ve found a home there as have many other seniors.
I appreciate your stopping by and taking the time to comment!
Hello there, thanks a lot for sharing this masterpiece of information here with us. I must say i enjoy going through your articles always. I have always thought what it would be like to become an affiliate marketer, but after seeing the points in the reasons you mentioned i’m pretty much convinced i should go into it. Thanks once again for sharing
Hi Philobur,
I hope you do decide to pursue affiliate marketing. The potential is amazing. I think you’ve picked the perfect time. With most of us sheltering in place these days, we have a lot of time on our hands. What better way to spend that time than learning new skills?
I hope you’ll decide to explore the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It’s an industry-leading training and hosting provider where you will be exposed to everything you need to achieve success online.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Being an affiliate marketer is indeed wonderful and it does yield results when the right procedures and steps are taken. It requires hard work. One reason why I like Affiliate marketing is that it requires only a few things to become an affiliate marketer which includes, you having an Internet connection, a computer, and a positive mindset. Affiliate Marketing is a good take for me.
Hi Sheddy,
I’m glad to hear that affiliate marketing suits you. You make an excellent point about mindset. Once you’re exposed to the business model, you realize the process is not difficult. But you do have to commit.
Thanks for jumping into the conversation and I wish you great success online!.
Reading this article about the best reasons to become an affiliate marketer makes me realize that 1 year ago I made the best decision. I can say that the Wealthy Affiliate platform taught me how to create my first website and turn it into an online business. Every day I learn new things, the people here (I can say that they are my colleagues) help me with any questions and the training’s on the platform are the most useful. I know that the road is a little longer until I become a successful entrepreneur but with ambition and determination everything is possible.
Affiliate Marketing now helps me earn some passive income, and I hope that one day I will give up my daily job and work from home. Thanks for sharing with us this article and all the useful explanations given.
I agree wholeheartedly that your decision to jump into affiliate marketing was a great choice. After four years as a premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, I also can’t say enough about the training, resources, and community support available on this industry-leading platform. It also sounds like you’ve brought the right mindset to this venture. It does take time and persistence. But if you commit, great things are possible.
I wish you every success in your online business, and appreciate your comments!
Hi Linda!
What a great detailed article on affiliate marketing. At the beginning I was searching ways to make money online while being a student and I ended up on the paid online surveys. I did that the first years but it wasn’t paying a lot, so I start looking for other ways. I found some information about affiliate marketing and started in this business. For now, I can say that I am very happy with that because I learn every day and get more experience with it. It’s very easy to talk and promote products of what we like the most and we don’t have to worry about stocks and orders of products.
Hi Lauranne,
First, let me congratulate you on your decision to become an affiliate marketer. If you continue to develop your knowledge and skills and take action on what you learn, I know you will have a bright future. The potential of the affiliate marketing business model is exciting.
Good luck and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Hey Linda, your article is very good. As a little boy, I had always loved marketing and with this passion still in me, coupled with the globe growing rapidly and full time online, I must say your work has set me on fire again. Absolutely I don’t think there is anything we can’t purchase online today and the affiliate marketing will continue to to explode as the statistics above rightly proves.
All the 6 reasons are very ok with me and I crave the passive income most, Linda. I also wish to ask, how long can an affiliate continue to earn passively assuming he/she has fully established his business?
Thanks for the Knowledge Madam.
Hi Akon,
The idea of earning passive income is intoxicating for most bloggers. You pose an interesting question about the length of time over which passive income is possible. Here’s the thing about well-established, successful bloggers. They have hundreds, if not thousands of blog posts published over many years. They’re recognized as authorities in their niche.
As their blog grows, their rankings in the search engines grow also. Google rewards high-quality, in-depth articles, and there are evergreen blog posts that retain their rankings for years. Let me give you an example that you can try yourself. Generating blog traffic is a topic that’s near and dear for any blogger, right? Try going to Google and typing in the query “How to Generate Blog Traffic” (without the quotes). Neil Patel published the #2 ranking post back in July 2017. Scroll a little further down the page 1 listings, and you’ll spot posts from 2012 and 2013.
Those posts are still drawing readers and generating income today. I hope that helps to answer your question about the power of blogging and the potential for passive income.
Thanks for reading and engaging!