Do you have a flair for style and home decorating ideas? Learning how to start a home decor blog might be an excellent way to use your eye for design to generate a side income (or eventually, a full-time income). The Internet makes it feasible for everyday folks like you and me to have these entrepreneurial aspirations.
In this day and age, anyone can harness the power of a blog to connect with a kindred audience. Home decorating and interior design tips are evergreen topics with sustained interest. Naturally, you’ll want to hone in on specialized styles or facets of the massive home decor market.
Define your niche based on your areas of expertise and personal passions. Then, create meaningful connections by answering questions, providing sought-after solutions, and satisfying the needs of your finely-tuned market segment.
Conceptually, it really is that simple and I witness successes in a plethora of niche markets on a daily basis. Grow your readership by giving people rich content that serves a purpose (their purpose). And, as you gain traction with regular eyes on your articles, you can monetize your traffic.
Let’s examine how you can capitalize on the power of blogging, shall we?
Step-by-Step: How to Start a Home Decor Blog
There are hundreds of different looks for every room in our homes, right? Moreover, it seems we’re continuously in search of inspiration and redecorating tips. There’s a hungry audience just waiting for your creativity!
Here are the fundamental steps to launching your successful blog:
(1) Narrow Your Focus Within the Home Decor Realm
(2) Obtain a Domain Name
(3) Secure Hosting For Your Blog
(4) Install WordPress As Your Blogging Platform
(5) Select a Stunning Theme
(6) Install Essential WordPress Plugins
Have no fear. We’ll discuss each of these steps in more detail. So, get comfy and let’s dig into the specifics.
Step 1 – Narrow Your Focus Within the Home Decor Realm
Consider that many of these sub-sects may be underserved. Additionally, it’s infinitely easier to establish yourself as an authority when you limit both the breadth of subject matter and the level of competition.
People seek solutions and make home decor choices based on things like style, space, and budget considerations amongst other factors. Consequently, you may decide to niche-down using one or more of these criteria. Their focus may also be on specific rooms, accessories, or DIY alternatives.
So, here are 10 suggestions that you can run with:
- Interior design styles such as Contemporary, Rustic Farmhouse, Victorian, Eclectic Bohemian or Country Home.
- Decorating tips for living in small spaces.
- Decorating on the cheap.
- Ideas for a man cave.
- Baby girl (boy) nursery decor ideas.
- College dorm room decorating ideas.
- Contemporary home accessories.
- Modern window treatment ideas.
- Inexpensive kitchen makeovers you can do yourself.
- DIY techniques for turning trash into treasures.
We could go on and on. But, you get the picture, right? You can define your own online space and share your interior design creativity in ways that add value and attract eager readers.
What trends will your blog spark?
Step 2 – Obtain a Domain Name
I can’t emphasize strongly enough that you want your own Web real estate if your goal is to establish a business venture for profit. Yes, there are free websites available but they’re not appropriate for someone looking to generate an income. They come with far too many restrictions.
Free websites are fine for journalizing your personal ramblings. They may also have value as a learning resource. I experimented with a free site for a couple of weeks before purchasing my own domain, and I wouldn’t discourage that approach.
Do some brainstorming of names that reflect your niche subject matter and then see what’s available. For example, I might choose or Both are currently available at a very reasonable cost of $13.99 per year and are eminently brandable.
Step 3 – Secure Hosting For Your Blog
One of the most important decisions you must make is where to host your new website. Web hosting organizations provide storage for your content. But more importantly, they supply the technology and resources to ensure internet connectivity. You have many choices, but understand that not all web hosting providers are created equal.
Be sure to read customer reviews and evaluate the level of satisfaction with critical factors such as speed, reliability, security, bandwidth and data redundancy. Do they offer 24/7 support for those inevitable glitches? I discuss these factors in more detail in the post highlighted above.
SiteRubix is my hosting provider of choice because it offers a robust solution to all of my hosting requirements at a remarkably affordable price.
Step 4 – Install WordPress As Your Blogging Platform
WordPress is a free, open-source platform with incredible functionality and flexibility which is why it’s undoubtedly the most popular Content Management System and blogging platform on the Internet. One of the aspects I love about SiteRubix is one-click WordPress installation.
A few of the advantages of WordPress include thousands of free themes and plugins (in addition to premium versions), timely updates, and tremendous portability. Be cautious about proprietary systems that may limit the customizability and hosting options for your site.
Step 5 – Select a Stunning Theme
WordPress offers more than 2,800 free themes that you can peruse to select the look and feel that best reflects your taste. Down the road, you may want a premium theme to achieve specific functionality. But don’t get sidetracked by a theme with a ton of bells and whistles (and a steep learning curve) that you don’t need.
Choose a visually attractive, free theme that is easy to navigate, clean, and simple. Then focus your efforts on what readers are really interested in which is your helpful content. Many studies have proven that the best choice is a white background with black text and a clear menu structure.
The K.I.S.S. approach is best!
Step 6 – Install Essential WordPress Plugins
Every new WordPress site owner should immediately install 2 plugins. The first is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugin that will help improve your visibility with Google and the other major search engines. I personally use and recommend Yoast SEO (read more about its features here).
The second plugin you’ll definitely want is an image optimization plugin. I use WPSmush, but EWWW Image Optimizer is another excellent alternative. Graphic image files can be extremely large and can really slow down the loading speed of your website. So, optimizers are crucial to ensuring a good user experience!
How to Make Money With an Interior Design Blog
For me, that’s the thrill because I define the direction in which my business travels. And, you can do the same!
Unlike the traditional brick and mortar startup, the financial costs of launching online are fairly minimal. Hence, blogging is accessible to just about anyone. But, you do have to be willing to invest time and effort.
Are you ready to invest in your future?
Completing the 6 steps above doesn’t have to take more than an hour or so. Now it’s time to get serious and write those content-rich posts on interior design and home decor ideas to attract your target market. Let your passion shine through your articles and grow your audience one helpful post at a time!
A traffic-generating website opens up many options for making money. But, I recommend you get started with affiliate marketing.
You can leverage the power and appeal of the biggest e-commerce platforms on the Internet by joining their affiliate programs. You don’t need products of your own or any of the hassles associated with storing or shipping inventory.
Your role is to connect consumers who are seeking goods and services with vendors who have what your readers need. Affiliate marketing is now a $6 billion industry because it’s a brilliant business model where you can earn commissions for every customer you send to retail partners.
The infographic below shows your path to success with any affiliate niche blog:
Wayfair, Houzz, and Amazon would all be excellent choices for a home decor blog, but there are many other choices as well, Most retailers with an online presence use affiliates to expand their visibility. Some organizations use networks to administer their affiliate programs (Wayfair and Houzz both use ShareASale).
Amazon handles its own affiliate program. Click here to learn how easy it is to become an Amazon Associate.
There are quite literally millions of products you can review and promote. Highlight your tools of the trade as you craft those “how to” posts that have an almost magical allure for folks in need of practical solutions. List posts are also classic favorites. How about 7 Decorative Pillows to Brighten Your Home?
Do your keyword research to hone in on exactly what your niche is seeking. Then unleash your creativity and let the power of blogging drive your success!
Related: Home Decor Affiliate Programs: How to Make Money With a Flair
Why I Use and Recommend SiteRubix
SiteRubix is the awesome website building and hosting arm of Wealthy Affiliate and is fully incorporated into the WA community. WA and SiteRubix take blogging to a whole new level by fully supporting your efforts to turn any passion into a thriving business!
A little more than 2 years ago, I accepted an invitation to join WA as a free Starter Member. And, why not? One doesn’t often get the opportunity to dabble in website building and learn fascinating skills at no cost or obligation, right? At the time, I knew nothing about affiliate marketing, but I was intrigued.
Joining Wealthy Affiliate was a life-changing event for me, and I quickly became an annual premium member. I remain grateful for the in-depth training and the support of the many successful and aspiring marketers with the community.
Today, I want to extend that same invitation to you.
===>Click Here to Join Wealthy Affiliate Today as a Free Starter Member
For anyone interested in learning how to start a home decor blog (or any affiliate niche blog), I assure you that Wealthy Affiliate can help you make those dreams a reality!
Hope to see you inside the WA platform, and I wish you every success!
Over to You
I know the idea of starting a blog can seem daunting. It was for me, too. I’m happy to help with any questions you still have. Please drop me a line below for a prompt response.
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Hello there Linda,
I am a huge fan of home decor and would really want to make money with it. I know a bunch of stuff about it and have also invented a few techniques which I know will help many people.
Thanks for the steps you have provided to get started with this right away. I have gotten a free account with wealthy affiliate, and Siterubix, which is pretty much the same.
I will get myself prepared and upgrade to make things serious soon. Thanks a lot for the direction.
Hey Dave,
Glad I could help 🙂 It sounds like you’re on your way to an exciting new adventure. Please do leave a message on my WA profile page if I can ever be of help. Good luck!
Hi there Linda,
Thank you kindly for your thoughts and indeed the idea of starting a blog about home decor and indeed interior design.
I am quite intrigued and imagine that a site or series of sites “dedicated to the decades” 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s would be quite popular and have plenty of products to promote and be fairly profitable. For the latter 3 one could target young students who wish to create and have a hip and trendy abode!
Hi Derek,
Yes, those sound like great ideas that would have enormous appeal. Successful affiliate marketing is all about connecting with an interested audience. It sounds like you have a plan forming. Good luck and thanks for sharing!
Hi Linda – I love that you retired from corporate America and are successfully making retirement money in the online community! This is a really informative post and provides clear instruction on how to get set up to make money online. Your top 10 niche ideas really illustrate how many ideas there are out there to focus on! Thanks for all the ideas and the roadmap to get setup!
You’re welcome! Blogging is such a wide open field. Regardless of your interests, hobbies, or passions, there’s a niche or target market with which you can connect. With the training and support available through Wealthy Affiliate, you can be on your way to success in no time. Good luck!
Thanks for this very informative post. While I’m not into home decorating, this can be very useful for just about any blog out there.
I really like how you said you need to narrow down your market, and not be a jack of all trades. I think this is where too many people fail as they try to be the expert at too competitive of a niche.
Do you own a home decor blog yourself ?
HI Michael.
Yes, I have to agree. It really doesn’t matter what your passion is, The “blueprint” for affiliate marketing can be applied to any interest. The most important thing is to understand the needs of your target market and then do your best to satisfy those needs and provide solutions.
Home decor is a topic I find fascinating because it has such broad appeal. I haven’t launched a blog yet but it’s one of my goals. Good luck with your own affiliate marketing goals and thanks for commenting!
Hi Linda,
Your article on writing blogs for home decor is excellent and it opened a new window to see the niche. The description of various aspects of niches regarding home decor is relevant and unique.
I think this method can be applied to any niche to discover the unique audience to whom we want to help. I am interested in Wooden furniture, so how can I elaborate my blogs on this niche?
Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur
HI Gaurav,
Achieving success as an affiliate marketer is all about connecting with a target market and offering relevant solutions to their problems. I completely agree that the fundamental approach can work with any niche. If you have a real interest in wooden furniture, I see a ton of possibilities for connecting with do-it-your-self enthusiasts. Some quick keyword research indicates a lot of interest in how to refinish wood furniture. Cleaning, stripping, varnishing and staining are all relevant topics that draw interested traffic.
Good luck with this niche and thanks for commenting!
I am a frequent user on Houzz to get ideas for my customers and never actually thought of creating a decor blog until now. With more people searching to enhance the lifestyle of their home, there’s a need to gather this information in an attractive manner online.
I actually have a portfolio webpage which I think is a good starting point to turn into a website. It sits on a subdomain though. Would you recommend that I change it or move to another platform entirely? Thank you.
Hi Cathy,
I couldn’t agree more that home decor has a ton of potential and various hungry niches that bloggers can cater to. Houzz is one of many online vendors that a home decor blogger might partner with to good effect because their product offerings are vast.
You mention that your portfolio webpage sits on a subdomain. Portfolio websites can be excellent vehicles for showcasing your ideas and creativity but I don’t recommend using a subdomain to create a profitable blog. You will want to purchase your own domain to create a more professional image. At $13.99/year, a domain will not break the budget and is well worth the price from an image perspective.
You may be able to re-purpose some of your existing materials or even link to your existing page depending on the nature of your content. But you will want to create a new website with your own dot com domain name that is brandable.
My number one recommendation for starting your successful blog is Wealthy Affiliate because they have all the resources you need in one place for one low price. Yes, you should know that I am an affiliate but that’s not my primary reason for recommending the platform. I’ve been a premium member myself for more than 2 years and can tell you from personal experience that Wealthy Affiliate is a unique and exceptional organization.
Good luck with your home decor blog and thanks for visiting my site!
A really interesting article – I suppose this SiteRubix platform will work for just about any online business one is looking to set up?
How simple is this platform – is it in a ‘drag and drop’ fashion or will I need to know something about website coding to move forward with it? More importantly – is it beginner friendly?
Hi Chris,
These are all good questions that I’m happy to address. My website was created on the SiteRubix platform and I’ve been using it regularly for about 2.5 years now so I’m quite familiar with the features and advantages.
SiteRubix will indeed work well to create a successful online business in any area of interest. I chose the Home Decor topic because there’s a great deal of interest in various sub-niches under the Home Decor umbrella. And, I find it’s easier to understand any topic if you have a concrete example to look at. Wouldn’t you agree?
The SiteRubix website builder is extremely intuitive and beginner friendly. You don’t need any coding expertise or prior experience to create a stunning site. While this is true of most website building platforms out there today, SiteRubix offers several key advantages over other programs that i believe are worth noting.
It’s the platform used by Wealthy Affiliate which means you have access to excellent online training in all aspects of affiliate marketing. You will also be joining a community of thousands of folks who are very engaged and eager to help with your questions as they arise. It’s a global community, so help is available through chat on a 24/7 basis so you never have to go it alone or feel “stuck”.
But the best part is that you can try it out for yourself without having to provide anything more than an e-mail address to create a free Starter Membership. I always caution folks who are new to the online world about making any commitments until you’re 100% sure that a program is legitimate and a good fit for you. I know you’re going to love WA but you need to arrive at that conclusion on your own.
Don’t pass up the opportunity to check out WA and SiteRubix on a risk-free basis. Afterwards, I hope you’ll come back and share your thoughts and perceptions.
Good luck and thanks for commenting!
I think this blog idea is very good as it’s not a niche we would normally expect to find. Hence, I wouldn’t of thought there would be a tremendous amount of competition for keywords?
If you have an eye for design but perhaps you are not skilled enough to carry out the decoration then operating a blog as a business is a good way of staying in interior design.
And I like the way that you have covered all aspects of how to start a blog like this and also given ideas on what to write about. It is a good article and very informative.
Hi Darren,
I’m pleased you found the post informative.
I think there are many directions you can go with the Home Decor theme and achieve success. Is there competition out there? Sure! But, I don’t ever worry about that. There’s always a unique twist and a sub-niche that’s not currently being well-served. I’ve uncovered some excellent keywords in my research and I see a ton of possibilities.
Thanks for joining the conversation!
Hi Linda and what a beautiful site!
I too have become a senior (how is that possible?) and am looking for extra capital for (potential) retirement.
I think everyone alive wants to have financial success – and affiliate marketing seems to be the place to start.
You have provided excellent information about how to get started in affiliate marketing; additionally, you have linked to an interesting site to learn this development.
The most important part of this kind of business is traffic – it is really a numbers game, The more people come, the better your chances of getting people interested in what you have to offer.
I have found Wealthy Affiliates to be the best of the best. There are so many scams out there it is difficult to find something worth while. There are also sites out there that have limited training, or who offer training to sell only one or a few products so everybody is in competition with everybody else.
That is not the case with Wealthy Affiliates, and that is one of the reasons why there is such a helpful community of like-minded individuals to help each other.
Thanks for your interesting input,
Hi Dave,
The comprehensive training and helpful community at Wealthy Affiliate are indeed exceptional. That was true back in 2016 when I first joined as a premium member and launched my blog. What I find truly amazing is the continuous improvement efforts and how much an already excellent platform has grown and expanded during my tenure.
Wealthy Affiliate offers absolutely everything that an aspiring affiliate marketer needs to start and grow a profitable blog. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment that WA is “the best of the best”.
Thanks for commenting and I wish you success in your endeavors!
Great advice here! It’s a good idea most of the time to really ‘hone in’ on your niche and make it super specific; rather than overwhelming yourself with a huge niche. I think for domain names, it’s really important that you incorporate a brand into the domain. Rather than something like ‘toptenhomedecortips’, something like ‘homedecorland’ would be better, as it creates a better brand. Does that make sense? Thanks for sharing these tips.
Hi Danny,
Yes, it does make a lot of sense to choose a brandable domain name. And, it’s probably a good idea not to get too specific when selecting your name. You want to be able to write on a variety of niche-related topics without feeling limited or constrained. Becoming an authority figure within your chosen niche is the goal. So, honing in on a targeted audience is very helpful in achieving that goal. You can’t be all things to all people.
Thanks for commenting!
Thank you for sharing this helpful post on how to start a home decor blog and make money.It is really difficult to start online business but with the help of expert in this business things can go smoothly.
I liked the way you showed us how to start online business step by step so that we can make money.
Hi Julienne,
I’m glad you liked the post and found it helpful. I would agree completely that having some expert advice from those who have already achieved success online can greatly help the process. Getting started is not difficult but you do need persistence to establish your brand and build an audience. And, it’s great to have detailed training to follow and a community where you can bounce your questions off of others.
This is why I advocate membership in Wealthy Affiliate. There’s a reason why they’re considered #1 as an affiliate marketing training platform. The support that if offered to members is amazing.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Linda for showing a way to earn secondary income online. In today’s scenario one must try and ensure secondary source of income while he is still on the job. This way s/he will be more confident in his professional dealings. The fact that you are preaching what you are practicing yourself makes one more confident about the possibility of success.
I was thinking of opening an online store since quite some time and already had a domain registered sometime back. Your blog is now motivating me to start my online journey right now. God bless you.
Hi Gee,
You make an excellent point about the importance of establishing a secondary source of income even if you’re already employed. So many employers no longer establish pension plans and a secondary source of income can be a great way to fund your own retirement savings. You can get started now and build your site gradually over time.
I’m happy to be your motivation and I hope you will put that domain name to use and begin to build your online business. Nothing happens until we commit and take action.
Good luck!
Hello Linda,
Thank you for your post. I am working right now on my first niche and website with the intent to get another project under way. I was thinking about decoration and your post just made it easy for me. When I reach 12 posts on my current website, and start making money, I will get that new project going.
Your recommendations and the step-by-step advice are really very helpful. That post will be of a good reference when I engage in that new project. Great post!!
Hi Antoinette,
I’m glad to hear that you’re diving right into the realm of affiliate marketing. There are an infinite number of niche possibilities and I’m pleased to be able to get the wheels turning. Good luck with your current website and I hope you’ll let me know if I can help.
You have provided a well thought out plan for how to establish a home decor online business right from home. I like that you have gone step-by-step and drilled down on each step to show the reader how it is done. I would be able to follow this easily I am sure.
Since that is such a huge niche, adding in some suggested sub-niches was a good idea. If someone tried to go for the general subject or area, they likely would have a harder time attracting the customers due to competition from the bigger businesses that are more well-established.
You also mention a number of ways to monetize the niche website and business that will work. There are really so many ways you can earn money online these days. As the owner of the site, you can select the one that will work best for your own set of interests.
Excellent plan for how to start your own home decor business and I found it interesting and informative. I have several stay-at-home wives that are looking for ways to earn money while taking care of the kids, and I have forwarded them this link so they can get some ideas and take action. Thanks!
Hi Dave,
You’re correct that Home Decor is an incredibly broad topic and not a niche. To be successful. it’s necessary to drill down and find a sub-topic that’s far narrower. Fortunately, there are some excellent prospects for anyone who enjoys home decorating.
Blogging is a perfect activity for Moms or just about anyone else looking to work from home. I’m happy to answer questions or to help anyone interested in getting started.
Thanks for adding to the conversation!
Hi LInda, Thank you for setting the steps for creating an online business out so well. It is easy to follow but I still have saved it in my favorites folder so that I may go back to refresh my memory.
As I have an Art, Craft with everything to do about the Art of Living, this idea will fit in very well with what I already am writing about.
You have given me so much food for thought and I thank you for that.
Hi Jill,
I’m glad I was able to inspire you. But I’m going to caution you about expanding the topical coverage of your blog too broadly. It’s always best to create a blog with a very narrow focus. Remember, you want to establish yourself as an authority and it’s easier to do that if you don’t try to cover too much.
Once your blog is well-established and you have traffic, you can consider expanding a little to include related topics.
The steps are the same regardless of your niche. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and I wish you well!
Hi Linda, I am so glad that I came across your suggestions for starting a home decor blog this morning. Granted, I have to laugh since I see that you have also written about pets and gardening. Those just happen to be the other two niches that I have been seriously considering. I bet we would get along great if we were to ever meet in person.
Have you signed up for the Houzz affiliate program yet? If so, was it easy to get accepted or do they want a really high level of website traffic first? I LOVE their website. I get emails from them every day. Emails that I actually open and look at.
Thank you for your tips and suggestions here. It sounds like the first thing I need to do is to decide on my niche.
Hi Sondra,
Yes, it sounds like you have several passions and you will want to narrow things down and focus. Ultimately, there’s no reason why you can’t have more than one blog. But you’ll want to start with one and concentrate on achieving success in your first niche before you expand. Too many people dilute their efforts by trying to start multiple sites at once.
Yes, I have signed up with the Houzz partner network and I like the program very much. It was a quick and easy process to join but I have to admit that my site was well established when I joined. I would suggest that you build the content on your site first and publish a dozen or more posts before you apply.
Good luck and thanks for your comments!
Great post and well laid out steps for anyone looking to create their own home decor blog. Blogging certainly is a great way to make extra money writing about things you are passionate about. I am totally with you when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate… the best training, support, and tools on the internet, and free to start too. No brainer! Thanks again enjoyed your post 🙂
Hi Martin,
Yes, blogging is an exceptional way to make money online. Every0ne is passionate about something and the steps for creating a blog are exactly the same regardless of your passions. Wealthy Affiliate has the blueprint you need to create an affiliate marketing business. All you need is a strong work ethic and the determination to succeed.
I appreciate your comments!
I am a big fan of SiteRubix. The hosting settings included are very intuitive. I think they are geared for the beginner, so I do think there are more complex or advanced options out there. However, they offer quality support and billing plans.
I use them and find them perfect for my online website needs. They are inclusive with the Wealthy Affiliate University, so there is also the option to get both hosting and exemplary online business learning.
The back end of the hosting is very easy to use btw, I think many people will find it refreshing compared to GoDaddy or the like. Thanks for the post! Great read!
Hi Jacob,
SiteRubix offers state-of-the-art, managed WordPress hosting. It’s true that the site builder is very intuitive and perfect for beginners. But, it’s also a great alternative for experienced affiliate marketers. I love that I can host up to 25 websites on my own domains. The training available through Wealthy Affiliate is also second to none.
Thanks for confirming my own experiences with SiteRubix. I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
Having a blog in this age is so much more important. A blog has the potential capacity to change the finance of anyone. The post is a complete guide for anyone looking to start a blog. Good job Linda
Thank you. A blog is indeed an essential communication platform for anyone interested in making money online. Fortunately, creating a blog is not at all complicated and it’s well within most people’s budget.
You will want some training and guidance which is where a training platform like Wealthy Affiliate comes into play and can make all the difference in your future success. Why wouldn’t anyone want to take advantage of a risk-free starter membership? After all, knowledge is power!
You have written a good article on How to Start a Home Decor Blog and Make Money. thanks for sharing with us. I have gotten many important ideas from your article.
Hi Lily,
Happy to help! Your site is looking great! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!