How to Build a Website and Make Money Online

How to Build a Website and Make Money Online

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Why not harness that energy and learn how to build a website and make money online? It’s worked well for me and might just work for you too!

I haven’t always been an entrepreneur. Like most folks, I spent the majority of my working career as an employee. But I could never deny the powerful lure of self-employment.

So, after retiring from the workplace a little more than two years ago, I decided to take a shot at building my own business. As I contemplated my options, two factors were non-negotiable for me.

Any business I started had to be home-based and flexible work hours were a must! Can you blame me? After all, I’d been commuting to a workplace five days a week for 40 plus years. That was so old!

These days, I wander down the hall to my den or visit my favorite coffee shop with my laptop in tow. Building a successful online business requires a great deal of self-discipline because there are recurring tasks to perform and the buck stops here. 

And yet, I’m able to schedule tasks such as keyword and content research, blogging, and social media management at my convenience. As an affiliate marketer working from home, I’ve achieved a balance in life that my former rigid schedule did not allow.

Making Money Online Starts With a Website

A website is absolutely essential to success online. Your website is your digital “place of business” and your primary communication channel. Once created, it’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long which makes it a powerful tool.

Fortunately, building a website is not a difficult undertaking in this Internet era. Nor is it an expensive option. In fact, operating my business for the past year has cost me less than $1/day.  The minimal financial investment required makes working online a viable option for almost anyone. That’s certainly not the case with a brick and mortar business.

There are multiple avenues for earning money online with a website. My personal choice is affiliate marketing which involves promoting the goods and services of others for a commission. Affiliate marketing is very much in keeping with my desire for a flexible, convenient work schedule because I avoid the hassle of maintaining product inventories or shipping products to customers.

Consider that there are tens of thousands of products I can promote as an affiliate and all affiliate programs are free to join. For all of the reasons discussed, affiliate marketing is an ideal business model for an online, home-based business.

So, let’s talk about how you can get started, shall we?

How to Build a Website in Minutes

You’re here today because you’re harboring a spark, right? I’m referring to that familiar spark that ignites each time you let yourself dream about a website and online business of your own. I get that!

I also recognize that getting started is often the hardest part. Face it; we all get a bit anxious about trying new things, and that makes the procrastination gene kick into overdrive. You have that pesky gene also, don’t you?

I want to help you get past that by sharing information with you about a fabulous online marketing community where you can build a website using a 100% free Starter Membership. Seriously! I’m talking no credit card, no obligation, and no risk! Just an opportune chance to fan that spark into a flame, quickly build a free website and see where it takes you.

I discovered this community a year ago, and my excitement spread rapidly. I’m still a member today because I’ve found all the tools and assistance needed to create my website and grow my online business. What a thrill!

But first, I’ll throw out some key considerations in building a website because you’ll have a few decisions to make.

Can You Picture the Target Audience for Your Website?

Affiliate marketers refer to this target audience as their niche. A group of individuals who share a common interest and are driven to seek extensive information about that subject. Naturally, they will search online for relevant product reviews and answers to all their questions. Don’t we all do that today?

If your website offers informative content and thorough answers to topical queries, Google will send readers your way. The search engines are always looking for the best match so you can attract readers by fine-tuning your content.

Thousand of niche markets exist so don’t panic if you haven’t identified yours yet. There are some easy strategies you can use to get niche ideas germinating quickly.

You might also benefit from some niche research I’ve indulged in and previously shared with my readers.

Next Steps

After identifying your niche, you’ll also need….

My All-Inclusive Solution

I found a comprehensive, one-stop solution to building a website and growing my online business. My answer was (and remains) Wealthy Affiliate, a cutting-edge marketing platform that offers state-of-the-art web hosting services, step-by-step tutorials, and a welcoming community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Join Wealthy Affiliate As a $0 Starter Member




As I mentioned earlier, a Starter Membership is a no-risk opportunity to try out this website thing. That’s what initially appealed to me. I’ve never bought a car without taking a test drive, and this felt like a similar scenario.

Wealthy Affiliate provides five levels of online certification training courses with new training be added all the time. With 13 classrooms covering core topics, there’s also plenty of stimulating discussion transpiring daily. I continue to learn new tips each week after a year, and there are other members who’ve had similar experiences for ten years and more.

The first level of training (10 lessons) is free, and your website will be live on the Web before completion. So, it’s quite exciting. By the end of your free coursework, you’ll know if this is for you or not and you can make an informed decision armed with valuable knowledge.

Upgrading to a premium membership as I did unlocks additional training and opens up the full resources of the community. Premium membership is $49/month or $359/year. I’m an annual member because it saves me money.

You’ll be offered a bonus (your first month for $19) if you upgrade within the first 7 to 10 days but there’s no pressure. You can remain a Starter Member and keep your website (2 in fact) indefinitely. You do lose access to live chat and support after the first week, but you can continue to experiment with your websites.

If it’s not for you, you’ll have lost nothing!

Summing Up

I hope you found this post helpful and you enjoyed my insights on how to build a website and make money online. Please give me a shout in the comment section below if I can answer any additional questions. Hopefully, you can’t resist the free membership option, and we’ll be chatting inside WA very shortly! 

 It will be my pleasure to assist you.

If you have family members or friends with that entrepreneurial urge, I sure hope you’ll share this information with them.

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Starting My Online Business Was a Wise Choice




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2 thoughts on “How to Build a Website and Make Money Online”

    • Hi Bob,
      Thanks very much for the incredibly kind words. I’m glad to hear you’ve taken the plunge and joined WA. I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I do. Please feel free to reach out to me within the WA platform if I can help in any way, Best wishes for your online success!


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