Finding the best niche for your entrepreneurial needs is the first step to success as an affiliate marketer. And yet, the concept of a niche market befuddles many newbie Internet marketers. So, let’s start by answering the question, what’s a niche market?
A complete answer to this question includes:
- Characteristics of a good niche market;
- Niche marketing advantages;
- Examples of potentially profitable niches; and
- Actionable steps you can take today to define the best affiliate niche for you.
At its core, affiliate marketing is all about understanding and serving your niche. Consequently, your online business plans will remain at a standstill until you’ve made your all-important niche selection.
I hear this plea all the time – “Help! I don’t know how to choose my niche!” And I get it because I struggled with this concept myself at first.
But if you stick with me today, we’ll get you sorted out.
What’s a Niche Market?
Investor Words defines a niche market as, ” A narrow segment of a larger market defined by the unique characteristics, needs, and preferences of the consumers that populate it.”
Affiliate marketers create niche markets by identifying groups of people (prospective customers) with specific needs and desires for information and particular products. And, it sure helps if you’re a member of the targeted group.
It helps because you need to step into the shoes of your prospective customers and view the world from their perspective. So, exhaustive knowledge of their requirements, hopes, dreams, goals and pain points is amazingly beneficial.
Your mission is to satisfy the needs of your target audience for information, comprehensive solutions, and product reviews. Members of your niche are regularly performing searches online Successful affiliate marketers just connect people with stuff they’re searching for already.
Make sense?
Characteristics of a Good Niche Market
Your goal involves connecting with core customers and doing that effectively means developing a clear image of who that customer is and what they’re looking for from you. Ideally, your ideal customer has needs that aren’t being well-addressed elsewhere.
To nurture a following, you must be able to publish a stream of articles that all appeal to the same core customers. Your focused content will encourage your targeted audience to keep coming back for more because your efforts are channeled.
An attractive niche market is one that has a lot of low-competition keyword variations. Remember, we’re connecting people with things they’re already searching for online. Keywords are simply the known search queries that consumers are typing into a Google search box.
The Advantages of Niche Marketing
Specialization distinguishes your blog and helps you leverage your expertise in a way that stands out. You can become an authority and fill a void. In the process, you’ll gradually increase your brand recognition which will fuel repeat visits.
By honing your content and product promotions, you can dramatically increase conversion rates. Small sub-sections of the market are often hugely engaged, hungry for targeted materials, and eager to spend money on their passions.
The moral: Find a small pond where you can thrive as “the big fish.”
Examples of Potentially Profitable Niches
Affiliate marketing is a $6 billion industry and growing. The vast majority of online retailers have affiliate programs that are free for you to join. Hungry niches abound with members who are frantically searching online for relevant information.
With the proper training, you can become a “go to” source of information and share your expertise and enthusiasms. Focus on helping your niche and your online business will grow and eventually become a steady income stream.
For further insights into profitable niche possibilities, I invite you to read these related posts:
- How to Make Money With the Kindle – Is This Your Niche?
- How to Make Money Selling Essential Oils
- What is an Amazon Fire Stick? Can You Make Money With Technology?
- How to Make Money With Legos – A Creative and Colorful Niche
But please don’t forget to come back and complete the steps below! 🙂
Steps to Define the Best Affiliate Niche for You
Okay, let’s get down to business. Pour yourself a steaming mug of coffee, grab a pad and a writing utensil, and let’s get this done.
I hope so because I guarantee this process will supply you with a splendid list from which to pluck your final selection. How can I make that pledge? Because niches are everywhere! My constant lament….
So Many Niches, So Little Time!
Here are the rules. Don’t sweat this! No filtering your responses (I can’t see your list! :)) And, don’t worry about prioritization!
The best niche for you arises naturally from a combination of your interests, achievements, the things you do best, and your past experiences.
Step 1 – Identify Your Favorite Pursuits
Take 60 seconds and jot down at least 5 activities you enjoy. Go!
Here’s my list:
aSpending Time with My Dogs
aCooking for Friends
Your list will be wildly different from mine (or maybe not). Either way, that’s fine. Remember, we’re not trying to target everyone. On the contrary, we want to celebrate our uniqueness! And, revel in our differences!
Step 2 – Drill-Down to Expose the Hidden Niches in Your List of Activities
My initial activity list represents broad topical areas with massive appeal. There are tons of large authority sites devoted to all of these topics, and the competition is vast. But, there are also untapped opportunities for finely-honed niche websites.
For example, under the broad umbrella of Hiking, I might consider far more specific topics such as:
- Desert Hiking Tips
- Hiking Vacations
- Hiking Tips for Women
We could go down the list and explore a multitude of niche ideas for each of my favorite activities. As another example, I know for a fact that Senior Women Golfers are an underserved market segment in the Golfing arena. And yet, there are substantial (and growing) numbers of us.
If you’re a gardening enthusiast, I’ll let you check out my previous post, How to Start a Gardening Blog for Fun and Profit, to get some viable niche ideas.
You get the idea, right?
Pets and pet products are hugely popular industries. But, they’re not niches nor are dogs. A niche might be a specific breed of dog like Shetland Sheepdogs. Or maybe, How to Train Your New Puppy.
A website based on puppy training techniques won’t appeal to people with older dogs, but that’s okay. Because at any point in time there are tens of thousands of new puppy owners that you can target and connect with in a meaningful way.
Similarly, if you love cooking, a generic recipe site faces alarming competition. But you can niche-down and focus on Recipes for the Carb-Conscious, Gluten-Free Recipes, or Barbecuing Tips. You’ll be addressing a distinct segment with identifiable needs. Moreover, you can limit your competition and grow your authority.
I’m confident that participating in this exercise will uncover numerous examples of potentially profitable niches,
Step 3 – Research the Niches You Discovered
Jump into Google and start searching your possible topics. Ask a number of relevant questions that someone who is a member of an identified niche and passionate about the subject matter might ask. Then check out the sites that come up in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
Ignore Amazon and other large retail sites for the moment and concentrate on the small niche sites that you spot (aka, the competition).
Take notes and ask yourself these questions as you explore existing websites:
- What topics do they blog about?
- Are their posts useful, thorough, and engaging?
- Would you return to their site if you have topical questions in the future?
- Most importantly, could you blog about similar topics and do it as well or better?
Be sure to pay attention to the suggestions Google makes at the bottom of each page for related articles. As you’re searching, you’ll also want to take note of the autosuggestions Google makes. If you spend some time reading articles and following links, you should be able to compile a fairly extensive list of blog post ideas.
Compile Your Findings
Organize your notes and research into several themes or categories for your website. For example, I might choose the following categories for a hiking site.
- Hiking Venues, Tours, and Vacations
- Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Hiking
- Hiking Safety Tips and Precautions
- Hiking Gear
- Tips for Hiking With Kids
- Hiking Gear Product Reviews
I’ve found categories to be stellar aids in organizing and focusing my thought processes. They also play a big role in broadening your topical coverage and ensuring variety for readers. Once you’ve identified categories, you can drill down and populate the categories with specific post ideas.
I might consider topics like
- 7 Tips for Hiking Safely in the Desert
- Cardiovascular Benefits of Hiking
- How to Recognize the Symptoms of Dehydration
- What is a Hydration Pack?
- How to Use a Compass
- The Best Hiking Boots for Women (Men, Kids)
Brainstorming a list of 30 post ideas is an excellent beginning. Google and the other major search engines will index blog posts based on keywords. So eventually you’ll want to use a research tool (I use Jaaxy) to fine-tune your generic titles and target popular keyword searches.
Step 4 – Brainstorm Products You Can Review and Promote to Your Readership
Think about the last time you engaged in your selected activities. What products did you use (tools, accessories, clothing, etc.)? And, what products would you have liked to have? You know, the wish list?
My hiking product list would include boots, a trekking pole, a sun hat (I hike in the desert), sunglasses, a Camelbak, sunscreen, a fitness tracker, and a cell phone. My wish list might add a nice pair of binoculars because the vistas are gorgeous. And, a better camera than the one on my cellphone to capture the wildlife.
Are you seeing some possibilities here?
My hiking forays are typically rather short (two to three hours). Serious enthusiasts who venture much further afield will have a far more extensive list of requirements like larger backpacks, a compass, cooking gear, tents, and the list goes on!
My Niche Market Advice
Don’t let yourself get bogged down in the niche selection process. Choose a specialty that excites you and holds your interest. But also recognize that the possibilities are endless. Your first niche may very well not be your last because many affiliate marketers either change tack or eventually operate in multiple niches.
Gain insights by following the steps above and then go with your gut instincts. Identifying a niche course of action allows you to progress and gain invaluable experience in website building, keyword research, search engine optimation techniques, and content writing. These are transferable skills that can serve you well in any niche or online venture.
Now that we’ve put the question what’s a niche market to rest and you have a workable strategy for finding your niche, you’re poised to take the affiliate marketing world by storm!
I hope you’ll share your niche ideas below. I’d love to hear them and to answer any additional questions you may still have. Do you know someone else who’s struggling which this question and decision? If so, I hope you’ll share this post with them and get them on the track to online success.
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I’ve found robust answers to all of my website and affiliate marketing questions through participation in a fabulous online marketing community called Wealthy Affiliate. WA is an all-inclusive platform created by online marketers for online marketers.
If working online from home is your dream too, you may want to check out their free (no credit card required) Starter Membership and see what all the hype is about. It was a game changer for me!
Thank you for this article! I now learned about Google trends because of you!
Mark Battuello
Hi Mark,
You’re very welcome. I hope you find Google Trends to be as useful a tool as I do. I’m glad you enjoyed the article and I appreciate your comment!
Hey this is a really interesting article, it was hard for me to pick a niche at first. I had to start all over with a new niche for one of my sites. I am hoping this one will do a lot better, i have made my first sale with that site though. Then my second site is in the money making niche which is always a good niche if done right.
Hi Justin,
Congrats on your first sale! That’s such a wonderfully confirming experience when you realize that you’ve connected with a reader and met their needs. I have to agree that picking that first niche can be a little tricky. I often see people making that first selection based on what they think will be profitable rather than on something they truly care about.
I wanted to provide some guidance because I think that approach is shortsighted. Blogging regularly on a topic that you don’t have a genuine interest in is going to quickly become a chore and that will prevent you from connecting with readers in any meaningful way. As long as you choose something that you (and others) really care about, any niche can be profitable.
Good luck and thanks for sharing your experiences!
As marketers we understand how important it is to pick a niche. Like you mentioned, for some reason, this is very difficult to do although it doesn’t have to be.
I think people tend to try to find the perfect niche instead of simply going after what their interests are. As long as you think you will enjoy writing about it then you have picked the right subject to focus on. Don’t allow yourself to become paralyzed by indecision.
This was a great post to read, awesome information!
Thank you, Nate. I appreciate your insights and I agree. I would even go so far as to say we can “create” the perfect niche by focusing on shared interests that we (and others) are truly passionate about.
Thanks for your comments!
Thank you for sharing with us this great article on Niche Markets. When I started building my website, I was very confused about choosing the right niche for my website .
After a few days I started training on how to choose a niche and gradually things started to fall into place for me. This article is very helpful to newbies because the idea of a niche is very new to us. It’s good to have steps to go through.
Wish you a happy new year.
Hi Julienne,
I understand exactly what you’re talking about because I also struggled with the concept of a niche when I was getting started online. It’s not something I had ever really thought about before. So. I wanted to provide a framework that newbie marketers can use to get the creative juices flowing.
I’ll also share a blog called Choose a Niche that I found very helpful and I’m sure others will also, I’m wishing you a happy new year also and much success with your website in 2019.
Hi Linda,
Thank you for a really helpful and informative article. Finding a niche isn’t always as easy as it sounds, and it took me a little while to find the answer – which was staring me in the face all along!
I have found Google trends to be a fantastic tool, and have managed to get several of my blog posts ranked fairly good within a few days of posting them.
Although I haven’t had any sales yet, I am only just over a month in and have already had nearly a thousand visitors to my blog without having to pay for any traffic.
Here’s to 2019!
All the best
Hi Tony,
Finding the right niche can take a little thought initially because the concept of a niche is not something we’re familiar with beforehand. The question, what’s a niche market, really does take some explaining. But with a bit of guidance and direction, the choice of an appropriate niche should gradually become obvious. Follow your passions and you really can’t go wrong.
A thousand visitors in a little over a month is awesome! You are clearly on the right track in attracting free organic traffic for your blog. Be patient, keep up the good work, and the sales will come.
I wish you great success in 2019 and I appreciate your comments!
This is a great Post! I think that many people have heard of a niche before but this really helps to narrow it down. I know from experience that picking a niche can be quite challenging, especially if it is your first. It can be difficult to know how specific to be, but like the article states your gut will be your best guide in time.
It is quite interesting to find a niche and build connections with whom you can interact with and help with your knowledge as well as people you can learn from. Finding a niche is a great way to earn an honest living while helping others find what they are searching for.
Hi Renton,
I think your observations are right on point. Finding the right niche is a wonderful opportunity to connect, share experiences, and interact with like-minded readers. I helps to have some guidance and structure initially. At least that was how I felt. But once you understand the possibilities are endless and you need only follow your passions, your niche will gradually evolve. From there you’re off and running.
Best of luck with your online venture and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Linda, this is a very concise, easy to read and informative article on picking a niche market. I am confident that any newbie will be well on the way to starting in a successful niche! I have a couple of blogs myself and I did manage to find topics to write about, and that makes it easy to keep cranking out articles.
Hi Dave,
It’s great to hear that you’re able to keep publishing content regularly on your blogs. Consistency is so incredibly important for SEO and long-term success. I try to encourage new bloggers to identify at least three to four categories for their blog at the outset and then brainstorm at least 10 article ideas for each category. That way, you can create an editorial calendar that will keep you on track.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I wish you much success with your blogs!
Thank you Linda for sharing ¨What´s a Niche Market? How to Choose the Best Niche For You¨. Your post is god sent. I have been struggling with this issue for days and I’ve finally got it and you´re confirming it. Let me ask you what you thinkI followed your guidelines. You mention it at the end of identifying your favorite pursuits: cooking for friends. I narrow it and came up with ¨healthy eating¨. I drill it down and came up with three key words that came up with SEO: My eating right.(domain name) Now I´m in the process of writing content. Here I came up with a problem. Most blogs are written by dieticians, nutritionists and experts. Bit of a brainstorming with myself on how to promote readership, to generate traffic, to come up with a ranking and monetize the readership. I decided this would be a layman writing for the man/woman on the street trying to eat right My eating right! My focus would be on lifestyle, rather that ¨diet¨, even though I would write what I consider healthy eating, backed by scientific evidence. Any suggestions/comments?
Hi Enrique,
Healthy eating is a fascinating topic and one that you could take in many different directions. Truthfully, I would niche down because I believe this is far too broad a topic to tackle and the competition will be fierce. But there are a ton of niches within this broad focus area that you could target. If I go to Google and type in “healthy eating for”, I get some great niche suggestions like healthy eating for kids (men, weight loss, diabetics, etc.). Narrowing your focus is almost always a superior approach because it’s easier to establish authority. I do like the lifestyle emphasis and think there are a ton of possibilities. I wish you all the best with your project!
Hi Linda,
Thanks so much for being so thorough in this article about picking a niche. I have a few businesses (both online and offline) and I can certainly say that identifying your niche is incredibly important. The process you lay out will help anyone trying to identify their niche to actually find the best one out of the options they have identified. Thanks again Linda.Cheers,
Shui Hyen
Hi Shui,
I would agree that selecting the best niche for you is of paramount importance to the long-term success of your blog. Following your passions is key because you need something that will engage your interest for years to come. Too many people lose interest and run out of steam before they’re able to establish themselves as an authority figure within their niche.
Thanks for your comments and good luck with your businesses!